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I'm Leaving...

Darth Homer

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I am moving into my own apartment this weekend and may not post for an extended period of time...I will have to get internet services established. After I get moved in, Kegger* at my place!! :D














* kegs will be filled with Root Beer only

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Good news everyone!


I'm in my new place and loving it! Only problem is that I don't have internet hooked up yet. "But how can you be posting, Homer?" Well, I can thank my school for the use of their connection. I gotta call TimeWarner & get roadrunner hooked up and I'll be good to go...more details and possibly pictures of my new place later!

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Enjoy the new place Homer.



Originally posted by OOM-9(2)

Lucky sod. I wish I could move out but i'm only 14...



Trust me OOM-9, it is great to move out, but don't forget to enjoy all the free stuff you get through your parents. You'd be suprised how fast things like clothes, food, and bills add up. You'll miss all that free stuff. I know it sounds weird, but I don't mind going to Walmart with my mom anymore, cause she buys the stuff for me that I normally pay for, and that saves me money.

You never really know what you have until you don't have it.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

So uhhh..... when's the, "new place party" going to be? :) I've been dying for some good old half naked table dancing. I even bought some new leather dancing pants.


*points to pants* :naughty:




Hey Homer, do me a favor. Only invite us to the parties when Rhett won't be there. ;)

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