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What's in YOUR Wallet!?

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My friend Dracula666 has... in his own words


"piece of paper with telephone numbers on it

Picture of SLR5000 torana

strand of a certain ladyfriends hair lol

guitar pick


80 bucks

old note from a girl that i keep forgetting to chuck

smoke dreams business card

Vic Uni student ID

Health care card

library card

various business cards"



He's got an uber wallet by the sounds of it :D

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130$ cash

bank card

jumbo video freeby card

health card

drivers license

sub stamps (for subway the restuarant not the vehicle)

and finally my crowning joy :D






*drum roll*


the taxi drivers license of MANUEL RAPOSO!!!!! and no thats not my name and no i dont know that guy. its a very long strange drunken story how i got that but suffice to say he probably wants it back :D

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r u sure u want to know?


- drivers license

- post-its

- my small-sized pocket knife with bottle opener and pen

- health care card

- student discount card

- PIN (RG in portuguese)

- social security card

- some lost receipts

- a rubberband (:eyeraise::confused:... go figure :rolleyes:...)

- an old invitation

- bus and subway tickets

- some internet adress i dont know where it is from

- a fone number from some1 that adresses herself as "your kitty". im gonna call her and try to figure out who she is.



[edited]turned out to b some girl i met last saturday in the Manga Rosa night club... thats funny, i dont remember meeting her, nor getting her fone number... and surely i dont remember giving her any freedom at all to call herself "my kitty".


note to self: do NOT let girlfriend check lucasforums![/edited]


[edited again]

noto to self 2: take off that friggin paper off the wallet (but keep her fone# in my cellfone. :D[/edited]


[again another edited]not that i mean to cheat on her, i love her. its just that... u know... its always good to leave a door opened... :D[/edited]

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*around 60 bucks that's gonna dissapear when I get SWG


*EB Gift Card from like 2 years ago

*D&B card with like 50 credits left

*FYE gift card with 78 cents on it. . . dont know why I still have it. . . maybe some poor guy could use the change

*Block Buster Rewards card. . . it's my dad's but I goto BB the most

*A couple of phone numbers from hot chicks at school

*High School Student ID


There's probably some other things but my wallet is in my car and I dont feel like going outside to get it....

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-3 student ID cards

-my drivers license

-my credit card

-my Savage Garden fan club card

-my Darren Hayes fan club card

-a small cross with "Jesus <3 U" written on it

-pics of my family

-my library card

-an Aragorn Borders gift cretificate card

-A heart safer card

I think that's it. Oh...and also a telephone number with no name. O.o!

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