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What's your Grim Fandango excuse?


Your Excuse?  

116 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Excuse?

    • HUGE LucasArts fan - bought it blindly.
    • I asked for more information from Curse of Monkey Island.
    • Web/Magazine Review.
    • Magazine advertisement.
    • Saw it on the shelves... It looked good... So I bought it... That's all.
    • Other (None of your business)

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I said other

(not because it is none of your business)

but because:

a friend had a lucasarts game,

pod racer. I liked that game

and still do

*even though I hear people knocking it*

and while there his room mate had

a copy of GF, well they had all played it

and the room mate guy said I could have GF

as a trade for Age Of Empires Gold edition,

I had 2 of them at the time.

(he however) wanted to keep the OST

that came with GF and I at the time not

knowing the OST was so good said okay.

and then I lost or missplaced GF

and it sat in a desk drawer

for a long time before I remembered

I had it. (actually 2002):eek:

anyway when I finally started playing it

and realised it was the greatest game

in the world, it was way too late

to get the OST. and going to the

lucasarts store, I found the GFOST

was no longer available.

I did finally get a copy of the OST,

(but I would gladdly and willing

buy an actual copy Mr Lucas.

please take note,

I am an eager consumer.)

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Okay, so I used to be a avid subscriber to PCG. I always read the backspace colum where they interview someone relevant to the gaming world. I forget who they were interviewing, but they asked him what his favorite game was and he said Grim Fandango. You know what? I'm going to find out who that was a I'll find what he said to. I just have to go through my towering stack of PCGs. I'll post it eventually.

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I eventually snapped it up after I'd finished CMI and when I finally had a computer that could run it, which was a while after it came out.


I didn't get to play the demo, but I knew that it would be great based on the fact that it's a LucasArts adventure. I'd also seen some excellent reviews in games magazines, and I was quite annoyed that it had little chance of running on my tired old p100 with a wopping 8mb of RAM (Which at the time, I had no idea I could upgrade). Still, good things come to those who wait.

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I guess it was sort of rude to post the question, but not my excuse. Truth is - it was the wife. She played the demo after hearing how fantastic the game was. I think she got tipped off to the fact from Secret of Monkey Island, but that's another story.


Thanks folks.

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Actually, I hadn't played many AGs before that one(or maybe none at all I don't remember) but even they weren't real AGs. My mother knew that I liked that type of game though, so when she was out buying stuff she happened upon it.

(I tried asking her where she found it lately, but she doesn't remember).

So I installed it that night, but didn't get to play.

The next day I started it, and really loved it, but I got stuck at the most unbelievable point! I doubt I should even bother putting it in a spoiler.

When we go to the land of the living, with the un-raped soul(Bruno) in it, I couldn't reap him! I think this was because I was sure that I tried to use the scythe, but anyway, I took a break from the game and tried againg every once in a while. I didn't know I could find a walkthrough or post in a forum at that time, so I just tried again sometimes, and only accidentally used the scythe after a month!

Feel free to laugh at me.:rolleyes:

But anyways, what makes me angry at myself

is that I used a walkthrough later in the game, in parts in Rubacava, because I was inexperienced with AGs and puzzles. But there might be a way to fix that.:)

I won't detail the technique here, this post is getting to long anyway.:p


P.s. I'm new here.:)

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I must admit, I needed help in quite a few parts; which was at hand as I happened to know someone who had played the game. Even luckier, he was the not the annoying kind of bastard who tells you that Bruce Willis is really a ghost in the Sixth sense, he dispensed only hints, until I was truly stumped, in which case I had to beat the answer out of him ;)


The pigeon egg puzzle was annoying.


I didn't realise that I had to download the patch for the elevator puzzle. Hair was sharply removed from my aching head after I spent hours trying to figure out what the hell to do, and then was informed that I needed a patch the following day.


I actually can't remember most of the puzzles and places I got stuck in Grim Fandango, which is why I want to play it again. Sadly, not possible until I upgrade Operating System; or just system. :(

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I'm exactly the opposite, I can't manage to forget anything no matter how mush I try.

I did play it about 10 times when I got it(around 1998-1999), but only played again a month ago, which is enough time to forget, but I can't.


I did find a technique called lucid dreaming, which is not meant for this, but I believe that if it's possible to remember something thanks to this, then it might be possible to forget something aswell.

I hope so.;)

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when it was released i wasn't as big of a lucasarts fan as I am now, but i had played all the lucasarts adventures up till then..


when i saw it in a store i thought the box art looked so cool, but my oldest brother said the game was probably very bad and that lucasarts had gone downhill. he advised me not to spend my money on such a bad game.. i listened to him


until years later i became the big lec fan i am now and i realised i missed out on grim fandango. i was destined to get a boxed copy, sealed. and i found one from a swedish seller, great! the game is english but the backside of the box has swedish text, but that doesn't matter, the box art is so beautiful! he even had another copy so i bought another to keep one sealed. after playing the game i immediatly bought the original soundtrack from the lec store, luckily it still sold back then. shortly after i got the soundtrack it was taken of the store. wow, i was lucky to be just in time to experience grim fandango to the fullest. yes and now, now im the big man of adventure games in the house



typing capital letters was really too much work

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Originally posted by GendoTheGreat

Did you ever manage to convice your brother to come over to the forces of Grim Fandango goodness and light?


My brother used to be an active adventure gamer. In the past he'd be the one playing and I'd be the one looking. Cause i hardly understood all the english at my 7/8th year anyway :D


But as I learned English I started loving them :D Anyway, he doesnt play any games anymore now. Deus Ex and Hitman 2 are the last games he played I think.


I still want him to play Grim Fandango, CMI, (optionally EMI), GK3. :)

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My dad got it for me, since I love everything lucas related, he guessed I wuss gonna like dis one too, and I did ;)



I really liked Sam & Max & Day of the tentacle too, the tentacle was impossible to figure out without walkthru tho O_X


and me being 7 when I played it didn't really help, lol


I used to sit in the basement with my dad and just play it for hours :D

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