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Most anticipated games for 2003?!


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My top 3 would have to be...


1. Deus Ex 2

2. Knights Of The Old Republic

3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost


Of course...I can't just leave it at 3! :eek:


There are so many other great titles I'm looking forward to that are supposed to be released this year, including...


American Conquest, Breed, Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth, Chaser, Chrome, Cossacks 2, Devastation, DOOM III, Duality, Duke Nukem Forever (har har har), Enclave (PC), Far Cry, Gothic 2, Halo:Combat Evolved (PC), Indiana Jones & The Emperor's Tomb, Judge Dredd vs Judge Death, Kreed, Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter, Painkiller, Star Trek: Elite Force II, Strident, TRON 2, Xenus, XIII

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Originally posted by C'jais

Is the new Starcraft game coming to PC as well? Or just consoles?


Bah, Blizzard screwed it fans over long ago with WC3.


I'm pretty sure it's going to be for console only (dang blizzard, makng a game I can't play without buying a console:mad: )

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well mine are


1. Automodellista

2. Xenosaga

3. <none to go here>


i just recently gotten Devil May Cry 2 and i must say it's very nice indeed. there is no other game that can top the Style in this one. but now for me i'm anxiously awaiting Kingdom Hearts 2 scheduled for release in 04 or 05. which means more than likely it will be on the PS3.

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1) Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

2) Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC)

3) DF mod for JO (what?! It's a remake of a game...)

4) JK mod for JO (and this is a remake of the sequel to the above game... :rolleyes: )

5) Any thing else that catches my fancy. Especially if it is an SW game or if Sam and Max do come out this year...

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