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Star Wars Game Idea


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I have an idea for a role playing star wars game on ps2. The object is to start out as a padawan and work your way onto the jedi council or if you prefer you could choose the path of the dark side and become a sith. The game would feature characters from both movies and you could even create a jedi. Under created jedi you could pick a name, lightsaber color, lightsaber style (double-bladed) and appearance (ranging from human to various aliens). You could pick a created jedi or any jedi from the movie to play as. You could even select which jedi you wanted to be trained by. In the game you would do missions some of which relates to the movies (almost all of the missions involves fighting w/a lightsaber, no more flying games!). You could battle at Geonosis and kill Jango fett, protect the queen, kill darth maul, destroy the death star, protect han, leia and chewy on a mission and have a duel w/ vader and the emperor. You could pick which time frame you want your character in or choose the entire swar wars galaxy. There would also be training mode and as the game progresses powers get stronger (force choke, lightning, faster, stronger, better). You start as padawan, then jedi, then you can train another (who may or may not turn evil), then you can get on the council or get a red saber become a sith and hunt down and kill other jedi. I'm not exactly sure how feasible this idea is but I bet it would make a ton of money and people would love to play it. I can't find a way to get this idea to someone who can make it happen but feel free to pass it along so it can.

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thats a good idea, but it wouildn`t work out so well because of the budget and part of being any jedi or sith from the movies (well hey, it would get kind of confusing if somebody else chooses to look like yoda and then he or she chooses to be trained by yoda, in quick and easy terms, there could be too many luke skywalker or Vader look alikes) but other than that it would be cool


and also welcome to the Cantina, i am Darth Zaius, The Evil Sith Master of the Cantina

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they need to make a Star Wars game like Freelancer. that game is awesome. If it was made for Star Wars, you could fly around the galaxy, become a pirate or smuggler or een join the Imperial Acadamy. But it would need something more for ground interaction because in Freelancer you don't do much planetside. it focuses on Space Simming.

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Here's an Idea remake X-Wing but change this missions, update them add missions from all other EU sources, famous and minor battles, even if it's a single ship escaping from a Star Destroyer it should be in there. Let there be EVERY Star Wars fighter and ship available, whether it's a starfighter like the X-Wing or it's a normal transport *nods*


*shrugs*... *walks out*

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Difference is that his game will probably be made and released by the time that SWG update is out.... :rolleyes:


I think it'd be pretty cool to actually have a character stat-development-based game in which you didn't have to use a lightsaber. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Lightsabers, and I would jump at the chance to be a Sith Lord, but it'd be nice to see something different for a change. Almost every SW game (non-space combat sim) has been the player playing as a Jedi, except for "Shadows of the Empire".


The world needs a SW game that is as huge and unliniear as Morrowind, but with updated graphics and some nice little SW touches in there. In fact, Force-use would be really cool to do Morrowind style, where, depending on your level of ability, the various force powers would have varying levels of effectiveness.


And the fact that you can join up with various guilds in the game, such as the Fighters' and Mages' Guilds, can be translated across to joining the Empire or bounty hunters or rebellion.


Wow. Morrowind really needs a Star Wars total conversion-tyoe mod.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

I think they should make a game off Wraith squadron


A commando x-wing squadron with ground and fly missions.



You know i was thinking the same thing. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3 has been confirmed, Factor 5 and LucasArts could base RS3 around Rogue Squadron in the X-Wing series then after that they could make the first ever Star Wars: Wraith Squadron game based around the Wraiths in the X-Wing series.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

thats because the counsil doesnt exist anymore.. the timeline is between a new hope and ESB. and its gonna be EXTREMELY hard to become a jedi. go to SWG.net for meer info





if they do make RS3, i hope they make it MP too:D

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MP = Multi-player.


And I hope it's not just going to be another dumbed-down console game too. Whilst Rogue Squadron I & II were cool (and II had some of the best in-game graphics I've ever seen) they still felt, I dunno, kiddified, not serious enough. The control system was crap, but that's just down to the controllers. It'd be great if LucasArts did the same as Capcom did with Steel Batallion and released a game-specific controller for it that made it just that little bit more involving. Now that would be sweeeet. Admittedly, Steel Batallion on the X-Crate costs £120 because of the controller, but hell, I reckon it's gonna be worth it.

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