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Worst way to die?


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Hm, I'd say I wouldnt want to fall into molten lava. That would be awful. But the way that scares me the most would have to be having my throat cut.


It didnt creep me out before, but I was once sent a video clip of a russian soldier having his throat cut by Czech rebels. It was awful, the gurgling sound as he tried to scream through his own blood, that rough sound of the knife cutting through the windpipe... that rasping sound as he tried to breath through the gaping hole in his throat... :eek:Eyecrazy.gif


I would never wish that on anyone...

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I have thought of another one. Being pulled slowly apart by a machine or 4 horses.


And Masterjo, for your graphic sig link in your profile, I suggest you go and add the last "]" at the end of the [/url] tag when you edit your profile because the unfinished tag looks like this [/url and its showing up in your link. :)

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Having my skin removed while being alive...ouch that'd hurt a lot.


Or being bitten by a Black Mamba:

Its bite is a burning pain which produces little or no swelling. If there will be swelling it takes a long period. There is always anxiety or shock symptoms; nausea, cold clammy pale skin, faintness and vomiting. Serious elapid neurotoxin symptoms start earliest in fifteen minutes or within thirty minutes. The first is 'tightening' effect around the chest and throat with some pain. There is posies (drooping eyelids), partial paralysis of the lower jaw and tongue followed by profuse salivation and slurred speech. There is confused state of the mind. The victim finds it difficult to blink the eyes completely. He becomes hypersensitive. Noises in the vicinity affect him. A slight gently tough of the skin produces great pain. There is always fast breathing but with difficulty.


At this stage, if there is no proper administration of drug, mild twitches and spasm follow. Breathing becomes progressively more and more labored and painful. Paralysis and convulsion set in followed by curtailment of breath, and shortly the heart stops.


Death may take place, earliest, within an hour but on the average, five hours.

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To be buried up to your neck in the ground and have everybody in town with a very dull knife walk by and slice you across the neck. The knives are dull enough that they just barely slice the flesh, and slowly, every so slowly will cut you enough to allow you to slowly bleed to death.


That would be pretty crappy.

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how about....being hung from the ceiling of your house by nails in your toes, and your mouth and 1 nostril stapled and glued shut after being punched in the nose, with your fingernils ripped off, while ants crawl over sugar-laced knife cuts all over you body. So you die of drowning in your own blood with ants crawling on your body and you futulely scratching at them with bloody nubs while hanging upsidedown. THATS the worst way to die, off the top of my head...

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Being attacked by a huge pink donkey and Barney at the same time and have them take pins and stab be with the little pins until I bleed in 600,000 different places, and then barney and the pink donkey tear my legs off and eat them and burn the holes shut and then eat my arms and then rip me in half and eat my bottom half while I watch and then feed the rest of me to rats. While I am being eaten by acid. Now, dying like that would really suck.


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Worst fantasy ways to die is four things Bad to worst. (My Opinion)


4. Getting sliced in the head area. (Above the neck below the scalp, level with eyes all the way through.


3.Your brains being sucked out while your alive. (Got this from Starship Troopers)


2. Endless painful penile streching until you die from suffering. (Oooooh, Makes me shiver thinking about it.)


1. A spirit permanently stealing your soul when you are alive and your soul will never seek paridice in heaven. It will be caged forever.

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I haven't read all like 47 posts so if someone posted this than I am sorry.


First they would starve you and beat you for about three days. Then the got a small tree and made a point at one end. They would then dig a hole and put the non-pointed end in the ground. Finally they would thrust your


onto the end of the pointed section. Sometimes it would only get to the stomach and other times the point could actually be seen coming out the mouth.



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