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Heres how you do it:


This is a 3 year old. We have him a gun with a lock, and one without it. Lets try the one with the lock first.

*Babies aims gun at Tyrion*


*Nothing happenes*

Now lets try with no lock

*Baby aims at Tyrion*



Yeh. :cool:

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

well, look at gun control from Hitlers POV, its teh first step in bringing a whole country under dictatorial control! :D




Well, since I dont live in the US, and I dont know much about the laws there, I dont really have much to say about it.

Anyways, I'm sure that you'll get started and do quite well!



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Originally posted by leXX

What's the saying?... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


Possibly true...however a gun is designed to kill or maime. It has no other function as a tool. Any gun can kill, so any gun can be used for killing. Any gun can result in the death of another person, whether intentional or by accident. Is it a wise decision to allow a greater proliferation of weapons, when it opens more doors for those with the incentive to kill?


People can use a gun in anger, and kill, when before they may simply have used words. If a gun is there, it can be used, if it isn't, it can't.


It saddens me to see such a radical increase in gun-related incidents of violence in the UK. Many of these weapons were supposed to have been 'made safe', but invariably get into the hands of those who can reactivate them. And the UK needs to tighten up on border security, IMHO, to try and tackle the problem of gun smuggling from abroad.


But the problem goes deeper. Guns are now seen as status symbols, as objects of power. Somehow you are cool if you can tote a gun. And life often has less meaning for such individuals. The 'gangster' sub-culture is becoming widespread, and it's a worrying trend.


Anyway...I'm a Brit, not an American, and the US obviously has different policies, and people who've grown up in a gun-culture (as it were) are bound to have a different outlook.


However, from my POV...greater gun control has to be a better option to not having gun control at all. In the UK people have to be 'screened' to hold a gun license...but still some of those people have turned their weapons on others. It's not a perfect system...and any system can be fooled.


Any kind of weapon demands a certain level of responsibility...but sometimes that responsibility isn't upheld. I tend to believe that responsible gun users are in the minority, these days.


There's an age-old argument that people can simply obtain weapons by illegal means, so what's the point? The point is some of those illegal weapons were once held by people with licenses...the weapons were stolen. As for guns shipped in from abroad, such smuggling might be tackled with better border controls and information. As for crime - protecting yourself from intruders, etc., sometimes you need to defend yourself. Does it have to be with a gun? Can't we design better security systems...have bolt-holes built into modern houses with outside lines...improve law enforcement and bring effective gun control into an area?


I don't mean any offence by saying this...it's just my viewpoint and I'm being realistic from my own perspective...but when it comes to protecting your nation from an invading force...or protecting yourself from your own government if it goes haywire...I know how long I'd last in a firefight with a fully-trained soldier with artillery to back him up. Not long... :(


As for hunting...if you eat what you kill, then that's fair in my view - mankind has been doing that for a loooong time. ;)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Heres how you do it:


This is a 3 year old. We have him a gun with a lock, and one without it. Lets try the one with the lock first.

*Babies aims gun at Tyrion*


*Nothing happenes*

Now lets try with no lock

*Baby aims at Tyrion*



Yeh. :cool:


Why the hell is it always Tyrion? Why cant it be Darky for a change? *cries*

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You may mention this:


Germany - Firearm homicides: 381


France - Firearm homicides: 255


Canada - Firearm homicides: 165


United kingdom - Firearm homicides 68


Australia- Firearm homicides: 65


Japan - Firearm homicides: 39


USA - Firearm homicides: 11,127


And you can mention this:


USA has the highest crime rate in all of the industrilized countries with 645 persons in jail for each 100,000 inhabitans. In Norway, the number is 55 people in jail for each 100,000. USA also have a high chance of being murdered, 7.3 murders for each 100,000 inhabitans, whike the number is 0.9 murders per 100,000 in Norway. I mean, how can anyone support guns if they bring such misery?

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Why the hell is it always Tyrion? Why cant it be Darky for a change? *cries*


Well, I dont have anything against you Tyrion, or at least I think I dont....! Naw, I'm just playin around with ya! I dont have anything against ya, well I dont have aything against any1 here (Except for Trolls :swear:)....


I think its alwyas you, cuz its become a nasty habbit. Anways, hang in there Tyrion, youre gonna be alright :D!



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