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Dedication to the Swamp!


What is your dedication? 1 being LOWEST 10 being HIGHEST  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your dedication? 1 being LOWEST 10 being HIGHEST

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    • 11 - GonkH8er's level.... :)

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I am 100% dedicated to this place. I visit the Swamp for at least a few hours everyday, and have done since I arrived here back in May last year. Well, there was a short period where I wasn't on much, but I'm back now for good, and badder than ever:p


I always try and enforce the rules allocated in the forum as well. It is one of the main goals of the LucasForums Jedi Academy. Anyway, I love the atmosphere, the people, and no matter how much people say this place changes, I will never leave:)

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

First define dedication....


does it involve some sort of hazing ritual?:confused:

yea, i agree on this one, what do you exactly mean with dedication?


Hmm, I dont think so. I think its a question on how much time you spend here, and so on. I dont have a big hazing ritual other than posting!

hmm, i dont think your LF time has anything to do with dedication. i mean, you can be a mod and perfectly check your mod section without actually being much at the forum. so time at LF is in my eyes not considered as dedication.

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