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BoUnTy HuNt3r

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Bah! Kstar doesn't know what he's talking about. My baskets are the best anywhere! They're hand crafted by my fleet of gift basket making elves and customized just for you, HuNt3r!


*hands BoUnTy HuNt3r an official Lucasforums welcome basket*


Welcome to the forums. :rhett: Now find yourself a seat on one of our many couches, order yourself a jawa juice and feel free to jump into any of the conversations we have going. :)


I'm wondering...do you copy and paste that every time? :D



BTW Hunt3r...Welcome to the swamp, make sure and participate in MY THREADS....MINE...YOU HEAR? Good. :D Again, welcome.

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

I'm wondering...do you copy and paste that every time? :D



BTW Hunt3r...Welcome to the swamp, make sure and participate in MY THREADS....MINE...YOU HEAR? Good. :D Again, welcome.


LoL..I wonder..cheap Admins, so unoriginal!


*Runs around the swamp asking people where he should hide*


And welcome Bounty Hunt3r, remember to spend your time at the swamp wisely ;) (An innocent minute checkup can turn into an hours stay, trust me...)

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