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Awesomest jk2 moment


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This might be better suited in the Valley but oh well...

I was looking through my mods and came across a couple of cool screenshots. I thought "Hey, this would be cool to display on jk2.net...I wonder if anyone has sweet shots like these :P"

So I made this thread and I've posted 3 shots that I consider "the awesomeness of jk2"


Post your coolest jk2 shots with a caption below each one that tells of the mod and the level!



SFX2, Kaminoan Duel



Jedimod 1.2, Duel of the Fates v1



Omnimod 2.0, Jabba (We had a solid rpg going! WOOT!)


(Ya, the only really sweet shot is the first one, please post your own!)

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Hey, those are some pretty cool screens there.


*** I don't play JO MP, or SP for that matter... But back in the day when I had just gotten the internet and JK, I was going 1 on 3 against the WLP on Bespin, sabers only. Needless to say, I got my butt kicked by one, but triumphed over the other two, :D

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A moment from single player (Mainframe mod I believe).


Me versus two Rebron. One was down and got caught out when I rolled forward under his red stance horizontal swipe.

Rolled so far as to be behind him and facing away. Was in lue stance, so back stabbed.


Then the next guy fell when he had me low on health (his yellow stance twist jump connected really well!) and chased me so that I was running into a large cargo box.

Thought I either turn and fight or go around it to confuse him as not enough Force to jump over it.

Instead did a wall kick jump of it, landed square behind him, facing, and used a red stance swipe.


Its when the acrobatics arent just flashy yet pointless, but actually come together with the saber moves that are as efficient as they are poetic in motion.

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My most favourite, and jaw dropping moment in JK2 was when the first time I had a sabre-lock, the awesome light flash that came from it...

I said "wow" and just looked at it in awe. It was when I met my first reborn, just before you get to fight Desann's sidekick on the platform...

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