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The New Avatar / Sig Pic Competition

Bob Gnarly

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WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My Boomspeed.com Account is kinda gone. I mean my account is still there, but all my music and pictures were all erased!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by KingPin

points and laughs at AG, maybe you shouldnt have used up to much bandwidth, thats why i dont use it anymore


Well, it wasnt my fault...I mean, they emailed me saying that I was using it only for storage....well, ya know....i dunno. im mad.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Thanks ratm, but I wanted to change it. I wanted a Vader one for so long, so I made this new combo.


I see how it is. It's cause your a Angel's fan and I'm a Dodger fan isn't it you S.O.B. :swear:























J/K I like your Vader Avatar. Looks nice :thumbsup:



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Hang on dvader...I was under the impression that only one sig could be entered per person. If people could put up more than one sig, then it would give them a much higher chance of winning (example, if someone donated 500 points and put up 5 sigs, they would have 5 times the chance of winning...which would just make it unfair on everyone else).


KingPin, Sivy, could you please verify this?


In the meantime, we have one new addition to the participant list:



Sivy B











Reborn Outcast


Skate Boy



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Originally posted by Darklighter


KingPin, Sivy, could you please verify this?


looks good to me,


tomorrow (monday) either yourself or kingpin can pm a mod to put that vote in a poll and then voting can begin.


i believe the poll will stay open a week, so next monday the poll should be closed.


and all entries must remember to vote for themselves to keep it fair.

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well i think that one is enough, lets keep things simple.


this wont be the only comp we have

chances are that there will be another one in a couple of weeks, so he can save the one he doesn't use till then.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Wait...does that mean you are allowed to use multiple sigs, or are you not?:confused:


i dont know or care, because they can only vote once, which means theres no point entering 3...5 sigs when everyone only votes once, but then again, we will get more points for the winner this way, so im not sure....

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Darky even if you enter 10 sigs... its up to the PEOPLE to decide if yours wins or not. :D So technically, there is no fair advantage. And did Rabid ever donate his points? Cause he still has 100... Just wondering.


Yeah he donated 100 to me earlier. I see your point, was just making sure. Okay dvader, sorry about before:(You can donate the 100 points back to me again.

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