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Drivable vehicles in JA?


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The thing is, you can have interactive, moving turrets in JO. You have a misc_panel_turret, that is moved with some sort of ship with a script. This isn't very good, the player will only be able to control the movement of the ship, it is difficult, must NOT be done in open spaces with the JO-Q3A engine, but it can be done.


Landspeeder would be nice and since it is bound to hover a little off the ground and with the SOF2 terrain system, it could work.


I wonder about the taun-taun that they specifically said in the article.


It would be...interesting if you had to hijack an AT-AT. The imperials don't have snowspeeders with harpoons.;)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Have any of you played Soldier Of Fortune II? There's a road chase and a helicopter ride in that game, and it sounds like that sort of thing will be in JA.


I loved that level in SOF2. If they do have something like that, it would be sweet.

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What about a Gala Fyer thing - an exoframe / mech suit.


May be a secret could be the Dark Trooper Phase III exo-frame!


Could be like special mode and everything - one person in the frame, and everyone has to try and take him out.....


But Speeders sounds fun....


AT-ATs beware - Hoth veteran coming through! ;)

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Originally posted by joesdomain

I awesome think riding a tautaun, ronto, and a dewback would be nice. Maybe travel on a bantha or a sandcrawler.


We know that a Rnacor will be in it...


Perhaps the Ligth Side choice will allow you to ride it for a small part of the mission?

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personally, i would rather they concentrated on the FPS/TPS part of the game... things like vehicles tend to come pff as rather crummy mini-games in games like this.

The AT-ST in JK2 was a good example... it was fun for about 2 minutes, but then you realised it wasn't that well implemented.


If they do decide to add vehicles i would rather they went for a "ride along" approach, because diveable vehicles in FPS games tend to have crummy physics. :(


A sandcrawler level would be awesome... driveable vehicles... the only ones that i might want to see would be a tauntan and a snowspeeder.


I always thought an x-wing/tie-fighter meets mechwarrior style Sim with snowspeeders and AT-STs would rule... but i guess with lucasarts concentrating on the mainstream console market it aint going to happen.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

Witches of Dathomir mod, heh?


In reply to that suggestion...


Originally posted by ME (Jedi Academy discussion > Rancor problem-any answers? thread)

On an aside....


Rancor riding - A SWG option?


Back to topic - perhaps the one-on-one maps could include a couple of HUGE open air ones, so that you could have Rancor jousting....


A mod idea maybe....


The reply certainly showed interest!


Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy (same thread)



That would be awesome!


I can imagine it now. A Jedi Knight atop his trusty Rancor steed, charging full-pelt toward a likewise mounted Sith, sabres levelled


That would be too hilarious! Really hope someone mods it

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what i really want are a bunch of speeders, like a speeder bike, swoop, snow speeder, luke's landspeeder. of course all be drivable. i think it be really cool if we could see it in multiplayer, something like halo. in halo it is really fun to get in a ghost (hovering jet thing) and fly around and shoot. as long as they can get the controls right i'm happy.

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Something like Halo would be awesome... Like the Rebel Speeders from SWGB. One person drive and the other shoot. But I wouldn't mind if it was only in multiplayer. If they use it SP then they would need smarter npc's who would be able to take you down, or get in with you.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Anyone played SoF2 and know about the terrain system?


Hmm, wonder if JA will have a random mission generator.


Yes, I've played SOF2. I believe Arioche was used on the levels I mentioned in my previous post - one is a car chase (which is a decent length at a fair speed), and the other is shooting at targets from a helicopter as it goes past certain installations on the ground. These levels worked quite well, IMHO, and it was a good advance from the original 'train' level in SOF1. If they can tweak it even further to make some of the movement a bit smoother, then I have high hopes for any new vehicle levels.


A random mission generator for JA would be awesome. :thumbsup:


Originally posted by ckcsaber

Vehicles can be a good idea al long as they don't turn it into the "Shadows of the Empire" style of vehicle level.....


I totally agree with you there. The snow speeder level at the start of SOTE wasn't too bad, but the other levels were quite appalling IMHO. I still haven't bothered finishing that game... :disaprove


It's a crying shame that they won't be able to do something along the lines of what Warthog have achieved in the upcoming Mace Griffin game, where you can move seemlessly from FPS combat to boarding and using a space ship, take off and ride around in space blasting everything, and then land on another larger ship and disembark seemlessly to continue whacking baddies on foot. They designed their engine specifically with this in mind, and I can't wait to play it.


I certainly can't see us taking control of ships capable of leavig a planet's atmosphere - let's face it, you'd be disappointed if you got in an X-wing and then hit an invisible 'ceiling'. My bet is that they will focus on land based vehicles, like speeders, swoops, AT-STs. Who knows, maybe even a beat up pod-racer. I'd love to get inside and explore a Sand Crawler, and then be able to steer it for a while. And the same with an AT-AT - even though I don't want to see too many Imperial entanglements in this game. :)

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The AT-ST in JO was alright, but it felt tacked on and the controls felt, as already said, bogus. It just didn't feel right, felt like a lame bonus level ya'know.


If they are gonna put vehicles in this, I hope they put some real effort into them and make them useful, not just lamo mini games that serve no purpose. If they don't want to put in the effort, then they should just leave 'em out all together. I don't want the game cheapened by lame vehicles.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

I'd like to see FPS combat from the perspective of a moving vehicle, that would be neat.


Do you mean First Person view through a cockpit or something? If that's the case, I'd have to agree. They managed it in Red Faction, so surely it can't be that hard to implement...


As for the AT-ST...I also agree that they got the control a bit wrong, because it was hard to see where you were aiming when enemies were obscured by the vehicle. I would hope that they would correct that from 3rd person view for vehicles in JA. There's nothing more frustrating than guessing where you have to shoot.

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