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I read in a interview with the developer's that after couple week's of launch a basic patch will be released and on that patch is the ability to buy a speeder with 1 mounted gun inside.


It will be only 1 mounted gun once released but as they go on there hoping to have 4 to 8 gun's in back of speeder's :D

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Originally posted by BobaFettWp

In the space expansion are they going to have like X-Wing's and others like that.


Yes. Also, there's a lot of hints that faction points can be used to 'borrow' faction-aligned spacecrafts.


Actually, playing as a fighter wing with your friends could really be an entire game within the game.

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Vehicles are things that runs on ground level and transports you, and perhaps eventually, enables you to fight in them.


Spaceships, fighters etc are things that flies in space, where you transport and fight things between planets.


A little difference there, ya'know? :)

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Yes, right now though, the big troubles seems to be to make combat vehicles at least marginably balanced in combat, and more importantly, working physics for it! I have total confidence that they'll come to it, but I like the idea to put civilian vehicles in the game first (because these causes way less problems, and thereby, is easier for the devs to put in an early patch).

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I think they should had the combat vehicles in the patch, but I don't think A player driving an :atat: would be a so great idea. Anyway, To run an :atat: I think u need at least 2 drivers, and some gun managers, u can't all do this alone...


And anyway, try to imagine a PK fighter a guy in an :atat: lol! These big thing are way too powerfull


Speeder with laser cannon or even AT-ST would still be great :)




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does anyone else see a problem here?? your all talking about at ats and stuff but wouldnt this be alitle unfair seeing that ive never seen the rebels use things like tanks or walkers except stolen ones all ive seen them use against these are the snow speeders. Maybe someone can shed some light on the subject

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