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Awesome New Hulk Trailer!

Boba Rhett

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Bah...I've got to admit that I'm not that excited about this new Hulk movie. I wasn't even that impressed of how the Hulk came out in CGI. Gollum and Yoda looked more realistic than..."him".


Perhaps I'm just ranting useless crap and I'll actually appreciate the Hulk once I see it...



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Thanks Rhett, I can't wait to see it! :D



Speaking of the hulk...........just the other night [saturday] I ate dinner a couple tables over from the original Hulk Lou Ferrigno. He was in town for the opening of a new Gold's Gym in town. I had heard he was in town but I didn't think I would be able to see him.


It was amazing, I had this image of him in green make up, walking in the room in slow motion........it was cool! I tell you what, the guy is still HUGE!! I think he's gotta be 6'5" or 6'6". His arms are like 25 inches around.....like the size of my thighs. :D I believe he's in his 50's as well. It was just something you don't experience everyday. :)

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Originally posted by leXX

This film doesn't interest me in the slightest, I don't know why. :confused:


I know why. Unlike the realistic film interpretations of other Marvel characters (X-Men, Spider-Man, Daredevil), they've taken the Hulk straight from the comic/cartoon and stuck him in a live-action film. Big mistake, it just looks rediculous.

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Originally posted by leXX

This film doesn't interest me in the slightest, I don't know why. :confused:

same here, i dunno why, i have alot of hulk comics including issue number 1, i just dont want to see this movie at all...


FYI, for some reason that woman in the movies triggers LeXX in my head...:confused:

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Originally posted by Darklighter

I know why. Unlike the realistic film interpretations of other Marvel characters (X-Men, Spider-Man, Daredevil), they've taken the Hulk straight from the comic/cartoon and stuck him in a live-action film. Big mistake, it just looks rediculous.


Didn't a radioactive spider bite Peter Parker in the comic as well? :confused:


So much for "realistic" film interpretation, regardless :p

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Yeah, I don't exactly see DareDevil, X-men and Spiderman overflowing with realism. :indif: Saying that they made a big mistake by making the Hulk out the same way he is in the comics is proposterous when that's what they've been doing with the others as well.

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Originally posted by C'jais

Agreeing with Rhett.


I couldn't take Spiderman seriously, with all those silly spandex outfits and flying skateboards, but I still enjoyed it as a good movie.


I'm thinking I'll do the same with Hulk.

i dont think i will unless im bored, the trailor loks good but after reading the comics i never liked the hulks shows..merchandise, like the tv show


[high piched voice]Meet Bruce Banner, Struck By Gamma Rays! [/high piched voice]

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