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Big, Clear, And Amazing Hl2 Screen Captures!

Bob Gnarly

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So, how many CPU's and Geforce FX's running SLI will we need to get the graphics to look like that?!!!


C'mon, 6000 Aussie bucks gets you a dual P4 2.4GHz Server style system for gaming..... (I am sure it would just be able to handle it)

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

So, how many CPU's and Geforce FX's running SLI will we need to get the graphics to look like that?!!!


C'mon, 6000 Aussie bucks gets you a dual P4 2.4GHz Server style system for gaming..... (I am sure it would just be able to handle it)

i hopoe my system can handle it
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great, now I gotta get a new computer and a new geforce 9 :rolleyes:


damn it I got a 4 last summer and its already becoming obsolete


honestly I am starting to care less about graphics in a game but more about how good the game is.

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Originally posted by C'jais

You know a game such as this could never be wrong.


Not ever.

when I have to spend another 300 dollars to make it work again, then even a game such as this...is very wrong.
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Originally posted by The_One

Those are scans from the latest issue of PC ZONE UK :)


The same issue that has a 10 page preview of Half Life 2 with tonnes of juicy info, and the same issue I'm holding in my hands right now :p


I have thre same issue. Nice, isn't it? :D


BTW...I have a game for you all. Luckily, the appropriate picture is included up there. It's called 'Spot The Missing Shadows'. Yes...there are a couple of shadows missing in one of those pictures. ;)


they seem to have some nice lighting going on in those pictures, but they don't look anywhere near as realistic as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Having said that, Half-Life never really had brilliant graphics on it's release either...it was all about the gameplay. Hopefully this sequel will be no different, and from what I've read in the article, it's shaping up nicely. :)

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Dont think my gf2 can handele that :D


According to the article, they are aiming at making HL2 very scaleable, to work on low end as well as high end systems. You may not see all of the visual effects or even visual quality, but I would think you could get the game to run on minimum settings. :)

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Am I the only one who doesn't believe this?


I know the last few pics are slightly more convincing but the others look exacly like the New Generation Unreal Engine powered game 'Devastation' If you have the latest PCGamer with the Jedi knight 3 review then look at the inside front cover....see?



Can you give us all a link to where you got these pictures, so he have better proof.... thanks.



The places all look pre-rendered


The models don't look that good, I'm still anticipating Doom 3 more than this.... and I love half-life.

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