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New game demos - Unreal II & Elite Force II


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They have finally released a demo for Unreal II and Star Trek Elite Force II.


I had my doubts about Unreal II from the reviews, and never got the game based on what I had heard plus the fact there was no demo for it. Having now played the demo, my fears have been realised and I will not be buying it.


The demo for Elite Force II has now left me with reservations about the game. The interface is not LCARS like the original, which I find highly dissapointing, and so far the gameplay is nothing special, although I havn't finished the demo yet, so that could change. Plus I know it isn't the finished version, so I am remaining optimistic about it.


I guess after reading about Half Life 2 and knowing it is due in September, I am now comparing every other FPS game to it, and nothing is gonna come close.





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Originally posted by leXX

They have finally released a demo for Unreal II and Star Trek Elite Force II.


I had my doubts about Unreal II from the reviews, and never got the game based on what I had heard plus the fact there was no demo for it. Having now played the demo, my fears have been realised and I will not be buying it.


The demo for Elite Force II has now left me with reservations about the game. The interface is not LCARS like the original, which I find highly dissapointing, and so far the gameplay is nothing special, although I havn't finished the demo yet, so that could change. Plus I know it isn't the finished version, so I am remaining optimistic about it.


I guess after reading about Half Life 2 and knowing it is due in September, I am now comparing every other FPS game to it, and nothing is gonna come close.






I know how you feel about Half-Life 2. After reading the gameplay description in PC ZONE every other game seems so inferior.

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Originally posted by The_One

I know how you feel about Half-Life 2. After reading the gameplay description in PC ZONE every other game seems so inferior.


Exactly. I have the PC Zone article too, and after reading that, I suddenly lost interest in a lot of games I was looking forward to.


To answer you Agen - They have poured all of the profits from Half Life back into Half Life 2, which is since the game came out, because they have been working on the sequel ever since they released the first one. They just managed to keep it quite all this time, and didn't want to let the cat out of the bag until they had a definate release date.

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Recently tried the U2 demo.


Good graphics, the water was especially gorgeous. Annoying enemies - not annoying in the "they're too hard to kill, man"-way, but annoying in the "I know you're gonna ambush me by spawning up my arse any minute, and I'm gonna apesh*t from all this frantic seizure-inducing laser shooting"-way.


Nice little homage to the first Skaarj encounter in U1, though. Just a shame it lagged like a slideshow and left me wondering if I was dead from all the darkness. Very disorienting.



Don't know if I have the guts to take on EF2. The first one didn't appeal to me, and felt like a generic shooter just like U2.

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They have poured all of the profits from Half Life back into Half Life 2, which is since the game came out, because they have been working on the sequel ever since they released the first one. They just managed to keep it quite all this time, and didn't want to let the cat out of the bag until they had a definate release date.


That can only be good news..... since i'm pretty sure HL was one of the biggest money makers ever :D


Though i'm less happy with what people are expecting the specs to be :(

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Though i'm less happy with what people are expecting the specs to be :(


They're scalable.


If you want it to run as well as HL1, expect it to look like HL1. But that wouldn't matter to gameplay purists anyway. The true test of a game, in some people's opinion.

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To quote PC Zone:


The minimum specs for HL2 is likely to be a mere PIII 700, with 128Mb RAM and a 16MB 3D card.


A lot of the things like shiny surfaces will be lost with lower-end machines, but the physics are processor based, so as long as you have a 700MHz machine, the physics and character animations won't be something you'll lose.

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Originally posted by C'jais

Don't know if I have the guts to take on EF2. The first one didn't appeal to me, and felt like a generic shooter just like U2.


The first game was actually pretty fantastic, I still play it occassionally now. I never bothered with the SP mode, I only ever played MP. I thought it was just a whole lot of fun. The graphics weren't amazing; the main aspect was the gameplay. It was incredibly fun and easy to get into, and tactics in MP were often very strategic.


I just hope the second one can live up to the first's standards, as it was an amazing title. I downloaded the demo, but when I tried to play it, the game locked up at the console. Really weird, I'm gonna d/l it again to see if anything changes. Anyone else been having this problem?

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Originally posted by Darklighter

I downloaded the demo, but when I tried to play it, the game locked up at the console. Really weird, I'm gonna d/l it again to see if anything changes. Anyone else been having this problem?


I know a few people have been having problems with the demo from the official site. I got the demo from fileplanet and I've had no problems with it. I know you'll have to wait *sigh*, but at least it will work.



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Originally posted by Darklighter

The first game was actually pretty fantastic, I still play it occassionally now. I never bothered with the SP mode, I only ever played MP. I thought it was just a whole lot of fun. The graphics weren't amazing; the main aspect was the gameplay. It was incredibly fun and easy to get into, and tactics in MP were often very strategic.


Each to his own, but I thought it was just Quake3 with laser weapons...


Let's see, we've got the machine gun laser, the rocket laser, the railgun laser, the shotgun laser, the plasmagun laser etc. Laser weapons en masse.


I suppose I'm better at handling games with more "real" weapons, whatever that means.

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I guess so. I wouldn't exactly call EF a "realistic" game as such. Obviously it's set in a very fictional world, and therefore the gameplay dynamics aren't designed to represent real life. See I prefer this type of game to realistic shooters. It's all a matter of personal opinion really. Everything is:Dlol

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I liked the original EF, in spite of it's shortcomings. The bosses were a bit naff, especially the one at the end, and the game was way too short...but it did feel like Star Trek.


I was going to have the EF2 demo burnt onto CD...but apparently it's not available on FilePlanet for that at the moment. Guess I'll have to wait...because there's no way my connection will handle that large a download. :(


I've got Unreal 2...and it's just an average shooter with pretty graphics.

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Originally posted by Chastan

what engine is HL2 gonna be using... I've been out of games for a bit... I'm still waiting for doom 3 :cool:


Valve have developed their own in-house engine called Source, which is being used to create Half-Life 2. AFAIK, they will be using this engine for any future/parallel projects. This explains why the development for HL2 has been so long...because they started work on the engine, etc., back in 1998 after the release of HL1. :)

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Elite Force I did like, EFII looks like what was previewed - more of the same. I don't know how I feel - it hasn't overwhelmed me, the bit I did play. It seems decent enough ... maybe worth buying, but I'm not ilkely to be there on Day 1.


I made the mistake of buying Unreal II. ... I guess that about says it ...


I liked JK1 much more than Half-Life ... although I never finished Half-Life. I feel it has been over-deified. HL2 looks very good from both the graphical and gameplay sides. Perhaps I've just read too many of these similar sounding articles about how this game or that is going to have real-life characters, modeled to the eyebrow level, and they have all of this detailed physics involved, and use as comparison the last game that promised these things and didn't deliver exactly that (in the HL2 article it is Unreal II). So pardon me if I'm skeptical about 'perfect lip sync' and 'realistic eyes'. Don't get me wrong - I'm sure it is going to be awesome graphically ... but then so is Unreal II and Postal 2. They have to deliver on 'beyond 2003' gameplay and story integration to live up to their own hype. HL1 with cooler graphics would be nice, but not much else ...



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Originally posted by Chastan

what engine is HL2 gonna be using... I've been out of games for a bit... I'm still waiting for doom 3 :cool:


Sorry ... the proper 'out of games' quote is "I'm still waiting for Duke Nukem Forever" :D


The new engine technology - Unreal II, Doom III, and Valves' 'Source', all look wonderful, and promise levels of environmental interaction that I'm dying to experience in a really good game (DX2, DoomIII, HL2) ...



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grrrrr:evil6: . I've been playing the Elite Force 2 demo and it's really starting to annoy me. they don't give you a single gun that's good for taking out a large number of baddies. and those little freaky bug dudes are too powerful for being so numerous. does anyone know the cheats for EF2? I want a better gun.

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I just finally got the demo installed and had a go. I know what you mean Greedo, those little buggers are right pests, I died every go after about 5 tries on the veru first area, lol. I still haven't finished it yet, but from what I've seen it's looking pretty good ^^ Graphics are nice, and the gameplay is pretty much exactly the same to the original. I hope they have a lot more variety of guns and equipment in the final version. Also, I wanna see more of the Voyager ship:D

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