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Now that that's out of the way... When do you lose your virginity? Intercourse, anal, oral? I'm confused. So if you only lose virginity during intercourse, then the others are ok?

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I hate this topic and will only say this:


Don't let society dictate to you when to have sex. Do it when you feel ready. I hate people who have sex and risk pregnancy at 14 just to say they "did it".


Oh, and you lose your virginity only when you have sex. As in "this long thing goes into this hole":).

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It depends on whether virginity is meant in the physical or the mental way.


As, for boys anyway, there's no real use for the physical term anymore, I'd say that doing anal sex for your first time counts as well.


Of course, you'd have to be pretty weird to start with anal sex in the first place.


And no, oral sex doesn't count.

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That is an odd question, as I find it difficult to come up with a straight answer, an answer that doesn't reflect my opinion.


So I really think that the answer is individually unique, meaning if you think or believe you lost your virginity, then you did.


The answer truly is irrelevant, as whether or not you are a virgin is inconsquential in all matters, unless you need to be pure for a sacrifice or something. If you are searching for a technical line to cross you will be losing your virginity for the wrong reason. A bragging right I'm assuming. Everyone gets laid, don't make a big deal about the first time, or the lack of it. It'll happen, and you'll know it did when it does.


But, the idea that you would pop someone in the ass before doing it proper is somewhat disturbing. Funny, yes, but hard to imagine.

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Originally posted by munik

But, the idea that you would pop someone in the ass before doing it proper is somewhat disturbing. Funny, yes, but hard to imagine.




oh man, that was funny to read.....



I dont think Oral sex = a loss of virginity, just...intercourse does that.


I am still a virgin......i'm not so much saving myself for marriage, i've just never had a girlfriend who i've felt that having sex with would be proper....because to me sex needs to be meaningful and deep, especially for my first time. And as of yet i haven't found a girl that means that much to me.


Although my current girlfriend DOES mean a lot to me, there's still a long ways to go before i'll think about moving on to that level. ;)

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"It depends on whether virginity is meant in the physical or the mental way."


Erm, I think he means physical :)


Anal would seem to me to be intercourse and therefore be losing ones virginity (who on Earth would do anal FIRST is beyond me... oh, homosexual couples, gotcha :) ) Oral isn't really losing ones virginity.

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Originally posted by BrodieCadden

Erm, I think he means physical :)


Sorry, I was very uncohesive.


What I meant was the physical "barrier" (don't know the name in englisch) that's bursted when a girl has sex for the first time. That was what I meant with physical.


Because in that case, the definition is pretty clear.

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The hymen can break from other things as well, not just intercourse. Can break for no reason as well. If it's there, it's an indicator, but if it's not it doesn't necessarily mean intercourse broke it.

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It is quite common for the hymens of dancers (mostly ballet and ones that involve intensive stretching) to break before intercourse. So a broken hymen isn't necessarily an indication of sexual activity.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

aural and nasal sex count?


The Jah man's got a point...



Reminds me of the site I saw where some wack dude explained how you could have sex with your car. Autoeroticism.... ewwww...


Needless to say, I don't think you'd want pictures of that...

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don't know much about sex w/ animals...but I think I heard in a movie sex w/ a sheep is supposed to be the closest thing to a woman...feeling wise...


Now...why a sex w/ your car would be apealing to some... I mean I've heard of making out in the back seat....but making out w/ the back seat..... :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by STTCT

Now...why a sex w/ your car would be apealing to some... I mean I've heard of making out in the back seat....but making out w/ the back seat..... :eek: :eek:


Let's just say it involved the exhaust and a leather suit, and leave it at that...

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*agrees with Sivy* ^_^

Posted by InsaneSith

why would anyone allow a penis to be in their nose?

Why does anyone allow a penis to be in their.. anything? :)


Seems pretty simple to me... But then, I am a perverted little sod :p

Posted by C'jais

Reminds me of the site I saw where some wack dude explained how you could have sex with your car. Autoeroticism.... ewwww...


Needless to say, I don't think you'd want pictures of that...

I'd have thought that with your track record, Jais, that sort of thing would have appealed greatly to you :p



. No, I'm not ever going to let it die =P ...I might let you think I've let it die, if you're lucky... ^_^ .

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