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What do you call Pepsi?

Boba Rhett

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Help! My whole world is crumbling around me! Here is was, thinking that most people called carbonated drinks such as Pespi, "Pop". In a conversation with Eets and Sherack tonight I was informed that only rednecks call them by that name. Is this true?!! :eek: I've heard it all my life everywhere I've gone in the midwest and it's the only term I've ever used for it. Is it really just a redneck term? What do you guys and gals call them? Soda? Phiz water? WHAT!? :confused:



*curls up into fetal position*

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Everyone around here calls it soda...the only person I've ever heard call it "POP" was a Canadian who recently moved down here, we were breaking him of that habit when his family moved again



*steals Rhett's pants*


Hey! That is fun!



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Yes Rhett, only hicks and rednecks call it "pop" :p Well, not really stricktly hicks and rednecks. In California EVERYONE that I know of calls it "soda". But up here in Oregon there are a lot of people who call it "pop". Mainly the native Oregonians call it pop and people that were transplanted from California and/or people that live near the CA-OR border call it soda. I usually just say "soft-drink" or "(insert size here) drink" when ordering from a restaraunt.

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Yep, you're a redneck :p


Honestly, though, I don't know. I'd trust the people you're talking to ;)

Conformity is the key to acceptance, or something like that...


Personally, I just call it by its real name. Pepsi as Pepsi, Sprite as Sprite and Coke as Coke. No "pop" or anything like that...

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Californian's call it "SODA", I don't think ANYBODY here calls it "PoP". It sounds just, toooo wierd. I once visited West Virginia and Ohio (redneck states) and they all refered to soda as pop. I'm just teasing Rhett....but they did and I thought it was really strange (I was 12).

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Hold on...


Rhett, fret not for all of us in Western PA and Eastern OH call it Pop as well, that includes Pittsburgh and Cleveland. So not everyone that calls it pop is a hick. ;)


Of course, When I went to college in Philadelphia, there was an intense war on campus between the Soda-ists and the Pop-ites. Each camp made fun of the other. To avoid ridicule many just started refering to it as Soda-pop, It's correct and true unshortened name. :D


On a side note, When I travelled to Missouri a few years back, I found it odd that all carbonated beverages are reffered to as coke. For example:


We stopped at a resteraunt for lunch. We placed are orders and then the waitress asked, "What would you like to drink? Coke?"


Our answer, "Sure"


Her reply, "What Kind?"


Our reply, "Ummm, what do you mean?"


Her answer, "You know! What kind of coke do you want? Pepsi, root beer, Sprite?




Fergie, Artoo? Is it the same in Arkansas? Has anyone else been to Missouri to confirm this wierd phenomenon? :p

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Originally posted by krkode

Hehe, that's precisely how we called them in India :p


I guess "hard drinks" are drinks with alcohol and stuff...:rolleyes:


The problem with the term "Soft-drinks" is that it includes many other drinks besides Soda-pops. By the strictest definition, Soft-drinks are any drink that does not contain alcohol including Juices, Kool-aides, ice teas, sports drinks etc...


We are referring to carbonated beverages such as Pepsi, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Blue, Coke, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew: Code Red, Sprite, Tropical Remix Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper: Red Zone, Crush, IBC Root Beer, Mug Root Beer, Mug Cream Soda, Birch Beer, A&W Root Beer, A&W Cream Soda, Sierra's Mist, Canada Dry Ginger ale, Seagram's Ginger Ale, Jolt, Surge, Mr. Pibb and all the non-mainstream carbonated beverages beyond that (Faygo, Sam's Choice, Shasta, Food Club etc.).


One should be able to differentiate between just any soft-drink and a carbonated beverage by using another, more descriptive term. Such as Pop or Soda, or soda-pop (Fizz-water, fizz-pop, Bubbly-drinks-that-tickle-my-nose etc.)


So, how would your refer to a non-specific carbonated beverage:


i.e. "What kind of blank(s) do you serve here?"

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

So, how would your refer to a non-specific carbonated beverage:


i.e. "What kind of blank(s) do you serve here?"


We don't particularly have a non-specific carbonated term. 'Fizzy drinks' I guess.


We just ask for them by name.

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Well pepsi has two syllables and it takes longer to say it than other words that we made up.

I call it coke because it is a habit. If a person corrects me that they have pepsi, no biggie, I'll say pepsi. But coke, always comes into my mind first.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

Well... western PA's nickname is also Pennsyl-tucky! ;)


Are you'ns suggestin' that Western Pa is full of Hicks? Jew know how many times I've heard that? I'm readyin' to kick you'ns butts up and down the street and caddy-corner too!!!! You'll be Kitty-wompus when I through with you'ns!


Besides, what makes you say that Western Pa is full of Hicks? Personally, I have no idea why they call it Pennsyl-tucky!




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welll the brand pepsi is pepsi :D


and pepsi is a Cola.

that as we say it here. if you want to order a coke here you say..

mag ik een Cola astublieft


But for all drinks with bubbles.... we usually say something like: frisdrinken or fris.

But that also includes non bubble beverages.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Are you'ns suggestin' that Western Pa is full of Hicks? Jew know how many times I've heard that? I'm readyin' to kick you'ns butts up and down the street and caddy-corner too!!!! You'll be Kitty-wompus when I through with you'ns!


As a true Southerner, I have to say that I find your "imitation" of the way a Southerner speaks eeirly accurate....please stop

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