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A different kind of 'post your pic' thread


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Ben, that's amazing! You look just like your avatar... :D


Edlib: Hold on...I've got this one. :dozey:*(Goes and bites Niko on the leg.)* Fortunately rabbits have excellent dental plans.


Yadda shoo-ba, skippity-bippity fladda fladda doo-bop, bamma bam skammity yam...



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Well I'm a bad-assed cowboy living in the wild wild west, wiggy wiggy wiggy yo yo bang, me and clyde the frog gonna save Selma Hyak from a big metal spider....awiggy wig, wiggy wiggy yo yo bang bang...





You're wasting your time here invaders. All the natural resources are already exploited. You'll find nothing here but wasteland...

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*******static static*********



Zoom Rabbit do you copy over?



**pshpshd static static**


We have lock on your target.


****static static****


I thought you said it was Martha? Over.


***Static static*****


We are getting some reports of some monkeys and guitar playing mexicans. Over.


****static static****


Want to confirm target cordinates...say again


***static static****

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Originally posted by Deadmeat_X

Well I'm a bad-assed cowboy living in the wild wild west, wiggy wiggy wiggy yo yo bang, me and clyde the frog gonna save Selma Hyak from a big metal spider....awiggy wig, wiggy wiggy yo yo bang bang...






roflmao! funny you should say that....i just finnished watching that episode...( i have them all on my comp)

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what the hell? who are edlib, zoom rabbit, and cmdr. cracken?


oh and btw you spelt her name wrong. it's salma hayek. or is it selma? i'm pretty sure it's selma. i dunno. either way, you forgot the a. but that's besides the point.


and i thought we were posting pictures that were crazy here?

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Oh, haven't you heard? They're big, powerful conquerors come to invade and subdue the Harbor and its inhabitants. (Note: Invade me FIRST, and we'll give them "crazy pictures.")


Now write a ten-page report on the social and economic impact a hostile takeover could effect on the Harbor and turn it in by next Tuesday. Reports will be graded on style, presentation, and technical merit, and will count for thirty percent of your final grade. :D

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Originally posted by Captain Andy

Oh, haven't you heard? They're big, powerful conquerors come to invade and subdue the Harbor and its inhabitants.

Think of us more as a civilizing force... Bringing culture to your poor, blighted, backwater forum.


We're your friends! :) Really!


Now... where's all the gold? All this civilization and culture cost money, you know! We demand tribute!



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Ahhh...some swampies are joining the fray. Let's take these drunken sea wampuses out Jedi-style! Yee-HAW!


*(Samurai rabbits and Jedi warriors demonstrate for everyone why the pirate's saber or cutlass is ineffective against more advanced bladeforms.)*


Captain Andy: Indeed? *(Invades her.)* How old did you say you were, again? ;)


Okay, citizens--here's the plan: gold on the right, rum on the left. Pile it up, now. Chop-chop. :D

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groovy, we've seen these pics like, what, a thousand times...?

and besides, it's a CRAZY pic thread...those are your regular pics!



now go immediately and take a picture of yourself eating cereal through your nose!

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Originally posted by NiKo

groovy, we've seen these pics like, what, a thousand times...?

and besides, it's a CRAZY pic thread...those are your regular pics!



now go immediately and take a picture of yourself eating cereal through your nose!



But...but... the blonde head was new....


I tried eating cereal through my nose, and it got lodged in my brain. For some reason I can't stop thinking about Froot Loops...



I'll have to think of something else, please be patient with me....



Oh here is something stupid:

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Since he's new here, I'll introduce the above creature. He's Wally the space dolphin, a random spacegoing phenomenon who pops into our universe on occasion with messages that I should post for my fellow forumites. Today is one such occasion.


*Ahem* Wally the space dolphin says that Darth Groovy's pictures may indeed be familiar to us as a pattern that our brains have experienced before, but it is worth noting that in this instance they are different, the photons captured and digitally transcribed here in pixel form cannot be proven as the same photons (quantumly speaking) that formed the original image; at the subatomic level these pictures are entirely new. Furthermore, he points out that the actual atomic makeup of Darth Groovy (like that of all of us) is in a constant state of flux, electrons and protons willing themselves in and out of existance as needed, so in a sense the physical Groovy is *different* from any we have seen before, or even *different* as a physical being from one given moment to the next. Note that the act of perceiving Darth Groovy is what causes him to exist as a concrete being, before which he exists as a series of 'possible Groovies.' The big question here is, if we never perceived Darth Groovy at all would he exist in the first place?


:rolleyes: Well, of course he would, Wally. It's all relative.

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**wall runs after Redwing and crishes him just for being a smart arse**


nice job, neil. nice job.


look, even me, the most crafty person at escapemi (yeah, right :rolleyes: ) can't dodge the wall, you see?


*runs into wall* let me demonstrate again in case you still don't understand. *runs into second wall* and again. *runs into third wall* you see? it is impossible to avoid the walls. well, i'll be leaving now. *wall drops from sky onto his head* owie.

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I asked...and unfortunately Wally's been drinking again. He looked at me with a blank stare for a good minute, then launched into a lengthy tirade blaming the Freemasons for everything that he hates about the world, including net fishing, street mimes, cell phones, beef fat in twinkies and--in some mysterious way--the original Star Trek being cancelled on teevee.


When I pressed the issue, attempting to return the conversation to narrativium, it only enraged him further. To make a long story short, we found ourselves along with a troupe of circus midgets armed with guns in the local teevee studio, the news anchor untoupéed for all to see and put into submission, as Wally presented our demands.


1. The President of the United States must fly a retroengineered flying saucer to Times Square in full public view.


2. Bring back 'Welcome Back Kotter.'


3. Martha Stewart must be brought naked and willing to the studio, with lots of nice yummy lettuce.


4. The midgets want a trampoline.


5. Darth Groovy is to be installed as a new international figurehead and given control of the world's coffee market.


6. The European Union must discard the euro and adopt space tuna as their official currency.


:) As you can see, our demands are simple. It would be much easier on everyone if we got our way...

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

5. Darth Groovy is to be installed as a new international figurehead and given control of the world's coffee market.



I always wanted to be a figurehead. It's the best way to get paid for looking important without really doing anything. And I would not mind seeing "Welcome Back Kotter" making a come back either... So if you don't mind, I would like to hang around the studio to see what transpires. Please remind me to hide my eyes when Martha shows up in the buff, as I man never recover...


Oh and here is another pic of me doing something stupid, hope NikO is satified with it.

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