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Name that Game


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This game is simple, but I have done my best to make it excruciatingly complex.


There are 25 screenshots from LucasArts adventure games below - All you have to do is name what game they come from, and give a brief description of the location of the screenshot. You get a point for giving the game, and a point for giving the location.


However, there maybe a few Non-LucasArts titles down there - you'll get a point for spotting the frauds, and a point for naming them.


Oh, and to make things extra wrong, you get a point taken away for every incorrect answer. ;D (Apparently it's too hard)


The winner shall receive as many points as I can muster from Jake or Met (hint: 1,000,000¬), as well as the pride that comes with knowing you're better than everybody else.


Okay, PM me the answers now, stop messaging me when Saturday turns into Sunday.



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And the winner is...


RemiO! ;D


The results are as follows:


1. RemiO: 40/50 = 80%

2. Thunderpeel: 38/50 = 76%

3. LucasTones: 31/50 = 62%

4. bgbennyboy: 29/50 = 58%

4. Boojaka: 29/50 = 58%

5. Carl Shutt: 20/50 = 40%

5. Andi Wan: 20/50 = 40%

6. Alien426: 19/50 = 38%

7. Mort-Hog: 7/50 = 14%

8. Spaff: 0/50 = 0%



If anybody is curious as to what a particular screenshot was, then I have a list of answers that I don't really feel like posting (Because I may have marked one or two a tiny bit incorrectly, and I'll get picked on, and also because I enjoy being a bastard of sorts) - so just ask! Sadly, I don't have screenshots, but I may be able to get them.


Cuss all of you who didn't enter, particularly Huz.


Oh, The non-LEC were 17 (The Longest Journey) and 18 (Broken Sword).

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very fun game :))


i just send in my late answers...


got 31 points :~


i know those two fakes were revealed by scabb but i had already guessed that. they were obvious. plus i let one other fake guess stand, oh my honesty :~


and i knew that was the scummbar damnit!!! stupid me, the window looked so indy3 like! :)

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Ok, I'm sure people are interested to know the answers, so here they are. And despite Scabb's concern, he marked them all correctly.... well, except one! (Whoops!) Here are the answers!


  Reveal hidden contents


No complaining now!


Thanks to Scabb for creating fun in the absence of the Mojo!


~ John


(Spoilerfied by scabb¬)

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It's not from the concept art, I took the screenshot myself :~


And Thunderpeel is right (¬). That is actually outside Snuckeys. So many people put Outside Sam & Max's place that my fragile brain got broken somehow :~~


Also, I did PM the answers to anyone who really wanted them, but I also asked those people not to post them up ¬


And #15 is from the 256 colour version of Zak.

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Originally posted by Thrik

Don't worry everyone, I will keep your credits nice and safe. I took a vow to never spend a single credit again, and I intend to keep it. :D

Before you employ this policy, you should change your name to Scrooge McThrik, or similarly amusing name.


Then you can spend the rest of your days swimming in your piles upon piles of credits!


But Thrik needs more credits though people. Go to your stores!


Please donate, and make a difference in the life of a fellow poster less fortunate that yourself.

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