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Test your Geekiness!


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Test you geekiness here at this link! http://www.innergeek.us/geek.html


I only rated 33.33333% - Total Geek


It takes a minute to fill out the questionaire, but it's interesting.....

Still, I thought you should get points if you knew what FidoNet was... and more if you had a FidoNet address (this is pre-internet, kids). Points for owning a 1200 bps modem when it was considered FAST would have been good.....


Us old geeks get no credit.

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Well... We have a new schoolsystem here for Highschool, and part of it is the new mathematics system. You have a €150 (around ($150) calculator, which everyone must buy, and it can do many 'great' things, like drawing curves out of a function, work with lists, calculating probabilities, do lots of stuf with matrices, and you can play games on them, based on an even easier version of basic :) So yes I programmed simple programs on it, great for solving equations of the kind:


ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are normal numbers :)


Great huh :rolleyes:

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"music that nobody else listens to, ever"


Could someone please explain to me how this is possible? I mean, if I'm listening to it, that means someone's listening to it, right?


17.15976% - Geek


I read the freaking dictionary! Just to read it! I swear to god!


Edit: Do they even make 100 sided dice?

Edit 2: I just want to show this: "100% - Liar!" That's with everything, everything selected.

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