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30 Star Wars Kid Remakes


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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

And sign the petition to get this kid into Episode 3, he deserves it.


He deserves to be made fun of as much as he does just for being a mess. And that's the only thing he deserves! He didn't do crap other than look like a spaz and let someone else get their hands on the video. If anything the people who added his light saber effects should get a job for ILM! :D

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Originally posted by leXX

I wish everyone would leave the poor kid alone already. This is getting very old now.

*puts up sign saying leXX for swamp president in 2004*


agreed, plus this kid deserves nothing it's like that simpsons episode where springfield thinks a boy named timmy o'tool is stuck down a well and homer calls him a hero. he did nothing heroic. this kid did a horrible job as a saberist anyways. the kid deserves nothing. I mean, wow so he accidentally filmed himself pretending to be darth maul. so what. I'm not gonna give him money or anything just because he embarrased himself. Noone gives me money when I embarrass myself. Give me one logical reason to pay him money and sign for him to be in Episode 3 and I'll do it. For all I care this kid can get a major psychological disorder, I still won't give him money. I never actually laughed at the video, I was mostly just confused of why someone would waste bandwidth hosting that stupid video.

Originally posted by pbguy1211

If anything the people who added his light saber effects should get a job for ILM! :D

agreed. they did a good job. and the people that did the matrix remix of it. that was good. but the kid did nothing. hell for all we know it could have been a plan.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

I'm ressurecting this thread because I think you all need to read something. All of you that said "no" to petitioning to get this kid in Ep.3 as an extra, read this, then tell me he doesn't "deserve" a shot at being an extra.





I think he was mentaly damaged in the first place making the film for the ppl to put up. I mean this kid has WAY to much time on his hands. I think this kid needs to get a life, take a breath of fresh air and kick the ball around a bit. If all he does all day is dream about being on starwars while listining to ppl make fun of him all day and thats the way he wantsto live than I can't simpathize too much. I don't think ppl should be making fun of him but I also think this kid neds to grow up. He isin high school and he is dancing around with a lightsaber......... I mean whats done in the movies is cool but he was all over the place................

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And why shouldnt he be in SW EP3? Cause he didn't do anything to deserve it? Ridiculed and mocked to the point of near insanity isn't enough?! Are you people derranged? You all got a laugh out of it at one point, but he dosen't deserve it? Hell, I figure your all just mad cuz he's gonna be in the background doing nothing while your gonna be sittin in the theater, remembering him when it was funny, and remembering that it was people who did laugh who forced him into therapy.


I laughed too, but I'm not saying that I was right. It was funny, now it isn't. Now I atleast feel bad. Not because I directly put the kid in therapy, but because people laughing did.


And did nobody read where it said 'part of a school project'? Or 'the 4 kids stole the tape'? Of course he didn't put that up willingly? Would any of you?

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No, he shouldn't be in episode III. He didn't do anything.


No, I didn't laugh, what's funny about it? Just some kid with a broom. ha. ha. ha I'm gonna die from the laughter.


Seriously, it's not funny, he has no skills that should put him in ep III... WHY would he be in episode three? Just because some people on the internet think he's funny? Wow.


And about him going insane or whatever from being embarresed... ok, if you are doing something that is embarressing, and you don't want other people to see it, DO NOT make a video of yourself doing it. What's so hard about that?


The video of Ghyslain, a portly 15-year-old pretending he is wielding a double-bladed light sabre,


They mispelled LIGHTSABER. :(

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This kid pisses me off. If I knew he lived, I'd go over there and break that stupid IPod whatever. the kid deserves ****. We'll all been embarrassed. I wouldn't mind being embarrased like that. It would show I'm a true Star Wars Fan .I'd love for peopel to edit videos, and make me have a double bladed lightsaber. Screw this kid. I hope he gets no money form th people who pity him, and I hope he never ever gets a job in a movie.


Originally posted by Tufkad

They mispelled LIGHTSABER. :(


Thats the fancy british way. ;)

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Hmm, saying you don't feel sorry for the kid is like you don't feel sorry for handicaps. Did this kid plan on the video being put on the internet and then need phsychiatric care? Did [insert anyone here] plan on breaking an arm so that he couldn't use a computer anyomore? I feel sorry for the kid, and if you think it's stupid that he taped himself, tell that to thousands of other kids who have done that, including me. He might not deserve to be in Episode 3, but he doesn't derserve the ridicule that some of you are talking.

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Man he didnt want people to see this video. His parents filed a lawsuit against the 4 kids (ok their parents) that put the video online.


He had to quit highschool and get help from a psychiatrist...i dont think he wanted all that crap to happen.


People should give it a rest, and there's no chance in hell he'll be appearing in a movie! :p (he already did!!).

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Originally posted by Lil Killa

I think he was mentaly damaged in the first place making the film for the ppl to put up. I mean this kid has WAY to much time on his hands. I think this kid needs to get a life, take a breath of fresh air and kick the ball around a bit. If all he does all day is dream about being on starwars while listining to ppl make fun of him all day and thats the way he wantsto live than I can't simpathize too much. I don't think ppl should be making fun of him but I also think this kid neds to grow up. He isin high school and he is dancing around with a lightsaber......... I mean whats done in the movies is cool but he was all over the place................


That is the most idiotic response I've ever heard.

1) he didn't make it to be put on the internet

2) where do you get off assuming how he lives his life


If you knew anything about the story, you'd know he had some free time in the schools production area and was just goofing off and his "friends" took the video and whored it out over the net.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

That is the most idiotic response I've ever heard.

1) he didn't make it to be put on the internet

2) where do you get off assuming how he lives his life


If you knew anything about the story, you'd know he had some free time in the schools production area and was just goofing off and his "friends" took the video and whored it out over the net.


1. I know that, I understood that from the start (before I posted) I was Just trying to say that I though IMHO that it was weird. I mean If your going to film yourself doing something for a quote "stupid project for school" than are u going to dance around like a fool or try doing something a bit more dramatic like in the actual movies?......... Thats what I though;)


2. That was just my opinion and last time I check I was entitled one:)


I do know "anything" about the story I mean, I wouldn't have posted if I didn't know wtf was going on:rolleyes: I knew he didn't make the film with the intintion of having it put on the web for all to see. I feel sory for the kid but I still think the whole thing about being in EP3 and what he did that got put online was stupid.

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Originally posted by Jedi220

I'm sorry, but this is sick.


Leave the kid alone. Seriously, some people don't know when to quit. :rolleyes:

I agree completly.


Oh and Bawbag your intitled to an opinion but if its a stupid one that makes no sense then your just putting yourself out on a line i mean he posted a link to a news report on it and tells you that it was a school project its not like he planned on dancing around for 2 mins and put it on the internet. For all you to lazy to read the actual news report here it is in a nutshell:


He made the tape for school

Kids found it

Kids put it on the internet

He found out it was on the internet

ended up almost going crazy

Parents sue 4 other kids


at least read that before you post.

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[sarcasm]Well, he got an iPod, I would say they are even[/sarcasm]


Seriously, it sucks to be on the butt end of a joke. I know I laughed at it, and some (not all) of the remixes were really good and funny. But like all jokes, they are going to die. Especially fades on the internet. Like the dancing baby. Its done and over with now too. Ironically, they had a remix with the SW Kid and the dancing baby. Yuck.


As far as desevering a role in Ep 3. Nah. He does not need that, and that is still doing nothing but making fun of him more. The only thing this kid deserves is a little respect from people for being himself, even if most people think that he is really f**king weird.

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Originally posted by The Cheat

well now it is even being shown on tv, i know i saw it on techtv one day


Yeh, but they were making fun of him. :p


OK. I agree with Jedi220. I say, just everyone forget about it, kids say they are sorry, maybe publicly (don't sue the parent's. Its not their fault their kids made a joke. i don't think they knew every person on the internert would see it) but don't let the kid be in the movie. Like someone said in the toher thread. They aren't gonna be thinking. "Oh, theres that cool kid!" They are gonna be like "AHAHAH! Theres that fat Star Wars Kid. Look at him dance around!" Besides, he still doesn't deserve it.

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