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My name's Jed...and I'm a GB lurker...

Guest Jed

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Hiya everyone.


Decided I'd stop lurking up here and actually post for once...in like, 3 months or so.


So if you don't mind...I may stay awhile. ;)

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*heads towards the coffee*


*drops a few gummi Jawas into the cup, and pours coffee on top*


So yea, I definitely have a problem. :p:D

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Wow, he actually made the jump? Went over the edge? Through the barrier to the unknown? Actually posted instead of lurking??? :eek:




I hope you like the doughnuts, they're KrispyKreme, of course I couldn't have picked them up because there is not a KrispyKreme or Starbucks in the entire state of Arkansas!!!


Starbucks has real estate on the frickin moon, but they don't have a store in Arkansas... NO ONE EVEN LIVES ON THE MOON!!!


Anyway enough of my ranting just have fun at our humble boards. :)

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Originally posted by Artoo

Starbucks has real estate on the frickin moon, but they don't have a store in Arkansas... NO ONE EVEN LIVES ON THE MOON!!!


*points to the one that had it's grand opening July 11th*

YAY! We ain't just hicks no longer...now we'uns is hicks with a caffine buzz bigger than the Mississip!

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Originally posted by Niwid

Why of course we do....it's across from the Purple Cow in Little Rock.....


Of course, it's attached to a Barnes and Noble, so technically you're right.


Another Arky! wOOt!


Like I said, we have the starbucks that opened up right by the Embassy Suites on July 11th. Almost went in there today...


*sees Redwing running...dives and grabs Redwing's pant leg...but Redwing manages to escape...mostly*


Anybody want Redwing's pants? I'm puttin them up for auction on Ebay if you want em.

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If you need Starbucks stores in your area you can come and take some the ones we have in Boston.


From where I work there are at least 5 within a 2-block radius. :rolleyes:


Expand that radius somewhat and it truly gets ridiculous.


And of course,.. for every Starbucks around here, there are 2 Dunkin' Donuts.

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wow the hicks have frappacino's too.


Hi I'm STTCT and I'm addicted to Star Bucks caramel Frapacionos.


I need to quit..those things have like 800 calories...


Welcome Jed! Hope you have fun here - we are a great bunch. I think we are closer than most of the other forums around these parts.

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Hi, I'm DH and we don't have a Starbucks here in Columbia, SC...well, come to think of it, the local University does have one in the food court area...but that one's run by university kids, so it probably doesn't count as a full Starbucks...I don't drink coffee anyway....


Code Red & Vanilla Coke run my life...I have literally gone places I didn't want to solely because the person I went with offered to buy me a Code Red...yes, A Code Red, not a 6-pack or anything, just 1...and I didn't get it 'till we were leaving....but it was worth it :)


*looks around nervously for Code Red*

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Hi, I'm Clefo. I'm from Tucson, Arizona. The forest fire capital of the United States.. We have Starbucks, but seeing as how I don't strive to be a corporate whore (and the fact I don't like coffee in general) I do not drink there.

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Originally posted by edlib

If you need Starbucks stores in your area you can come and take some the ones we have in Boston.


From where I work there are at least 5 within a 2-block radius. :rolleyes:


Expand that radius somewhat and it truly gets ridiculous.


And of course,.. for every Starbucks around here, there are 2 Dunkin' Donuts.


Describes Massachusetts as a whole perfectly.


Boston is just ridiculous with the Starbucks..I live about 20 miles from Boston, so I know what you mean edlib ;)


STTCT, you're right...much tighter community here. I like it :)

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Originally posted by Jedi220

STTCT, you're right...much tighter community here. I like it :)


Yesh. You are toight. I can see by your toight bants that you are toight.. like a toiger.




P.S. AYEEE! EVERYONE FROM IRC IS COMING HERE!!! *runs away screaming like a girl*

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Originally posted by Eets

Yesh. You are toight. I can see by your toight bants that you are toight.. like a toiger.




P.S. AYEEE! EVERYONE FROM IRC IS COMING HERE!!! *runs away screaming like a girl*


Well, you'd like me to leave Eets? It's make room for all those other quality people in IRC :p


krkode, it's a nice place, isn't it? ;) I love working there.

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Hi Jed, and welcome to the family :D I'm SH, I'm one of the resident paintball experts and all-around good guy™. And don't mind Eets' screaming, he does that a lot. ;)



And as my good buddy Chip always says:




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