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what is the best comedy movie ever


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Yeah, I liked Kevin Smith. Then I turned 15.


As you may be able to guess from my apparently being a complete asshole most of the time, I'm only really into intelligent satire as comedies go, with the occasional Tommy Boy working its way in.


My favorite ever is Office Space, followed closely by any Christopher Guest movie.

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1)Jackass:The Movie


3)Christmas Vacation


The 2nd and 3rd are classics. Deffinatly Chevy Chase at his best;)


In fletch, he winds up at a docters office for a prostate exam, and this is what ensues...

"Doc:Ok, here we go.


Doc there we go.

chase:few, spent time in prison, jellyfinger?"



If you havn't seen this movie, and like laughing constantly at one-liners, then go rent this movie. You won't regret it;)

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1) Scary Movie - OK I think I just like this kind of movies :)

2) Liar Liar - Jim Carrey's best one, although Bruce Almighty and Me, Myself & Irene are pretty close :)

3) A lot of movies, including Dumb & Dumber, Naked Gun, Hot Shots!, and a lot of other movies :p

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The lesbians were everyone of the girls. The hot girls are:


Sissy, Missy, and Chrissy. They were good looking.


The blonde was whipped cream girl in Varsity Blues and 20 year old killed my 70 year old hung husband in Legally Blonde.


The brunette was the girl from Buffy - the other Vampire Slayer who turned all evil. She was also in one of those Cheerleader movies I think and I know she was in The New Guy.


The other brunette was Kevin Smith's wife. While she is good looking you can also tell she is older so it isn't too difficult to distinguish.


And the girl from American Pie and AP 2, Czech hot woman, was the not so blonde but still blonde girl. She was a lesbian in a way because she was part of the group of lesbians.


Lesbian references are when they stop at the convenient store to buy some food. The Blonde and Smith's Wife have a deleted scene where they talk about some lesbian acts. They still mention something in the movie but it isn't as profoud as I think one girl jumping on the other.


Brunette girl talks makes fun of AP2 girl for not wanting to be a good little lesbian.


Also when the pizza man comes Brunette girl takes the pizza man and the other two women are left to themselves while AP2 girl is left being straight downstairs.


I spent like 7 hours watching all the deleted scenes and their explinations. Really funny stuff especially some stuff that GLAD said concerning the movie. GLAD is Gas and Lesbians Against something that starts with a D if I remember. DEf something I imagine.


Good movie but not so funny someone pees their pants or can't breathe.



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Originally posted by pbguy1211

they only hinted they may be lesbians... they didnt say they were... how about the part at the end when the chick form buffy banged the pizza guy? so now is she bi? she obviously wasnt a lesbian


No, its in the deleted scenes. They say theeyare lesbians. They all were, but then Jay turned one of them straight. ^_~


Also, they mention theat they Hate Men. :p


I like the end of the movie, where they go to everyone's house that posted to get their revenge. Haha, the priest and the nuns. :p

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