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To: Zoom Rabbit

From: Cmdr. Cracken

Subject: Your Title


It has come to my attention that you have the de facto title of "Lord Emperor of Aresen".


To have this title is blesphemy against the state, and in which you shall be punished, unless you take it down to something else. It is well known i am the only dictator around here, besides the Secret Society of Administators and Super Moderators (SSASM) whom give me orders. You have 24 hours, or the only other option will be a duel for the throne.


Thank you, and don't forget to change the cover on those TPS reports.




Emperor Cracken

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

To: Zoom Rabbit

From: Cmdr. Cracken

Subject: Your Title


It has come to my attention that you have the de facto title of "Lord Emperor of Aresen".


To have this title is blesphemy against the state, and in which you shall be punished, unless you take it down to something else. It is well known i am the only dictator around here, besides the Secret Society of Administators and Super Moderators (SSASM) whom give me orders. You have 24 hours, or the only other option will be a duel for the throne.


Thank you, and don't forget to change the cover on those TPS reports.




Emperor Cracken


we gonna be goin to a public hangin soon huh


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I'm just the figurehead, you nog.


Everyone knows that you and your kind are the silent illuminatus, the quiet masters of fate who pull strings from afar and squeeze the bottlenecks of industry by owning the cashflow. :D All hail Illuminatus Cracken!


:dozey: (Did he buy that? Hmm...)


Well, someone had to grasp the reigns of power from Kioet Cushen's feeble attempt at a coup. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106563 ;) God help us if it had been Skookee!


So can I keep it? I'll battle you anyway, just for laughs. :max:

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*(Bows down before Cracken.)* All hail the mighty Illuminatus Cracken. Obsequious latitudes and all that... :D


TPS reports? Hmm...no. :confused: My PM mailbox was full for the longest time, until I figured out that the 'sent items' folder was filling up on me and causing the problem. It's clear now, though, should you wish to re-transmit this mysterious document.



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*(Pulls out a smelly little book entitled 'Lagomorphicon' and reads a few quick spells which transform a percentage of moon dust into an appropriate oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.)*


We'll have to pick this up some other time. ;) I have to get ready for work. So--


*(Kills Reclaimer.)*


:D :D :D

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