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RPG Classes


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Well i have chosen the dragoon, and i see that ther has been more character classes added. i noticed the "Geomancer" class and thought, hey that would be awesome if they had a Necromancer class. Do you think it would be at all possible to add a Necromancer RPG Class?


Those of you who dont know what a Necromancer is that are like Mage's. they Raise the Dead to do there bidding. And use magical powers.


So do you think this would be at all possible?


i hope so

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it's great that u guys are usin your imaginations and all, but a samuri fairy, I've never heard of such a thing ever in any game or story in my life. Fairy's are just fairies, they don't have classes. They don't make weapons and armour that small anyway.


And a gundam just wouldn't fit with the time slot, this is all with magic and swords, you can't just throw in a giant robot suit with guns.


are you guy's like 10 years old or what? I just think you're being a little irational and silly.

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The system does player hate on women but if anyone has played FF tactics that is where you get the classes and skins from. Those are how most of the characters looked (generically wise) and those are teh classes available. Don'y expect a lot of classes because I think those are all of them from Tactics. There are of course SPECIAL classes where there were only 1 or 2 of them but I highly doubt that we will be seeing them.


I hated Tactics. Luckily I just borrowed the game.



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Originally posted by STTCT

The Battle System is definately prejudice towards the woman. Can we please have someon classes added to the female section? It really doesn't seem fair.


Lets go beat the crap out of the people who made the system! :)

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Gundams would own, but lets be rational(sp?)

A gundam would just take out a machine gun/beam saber/laser and shoot the poor bastards. Also, gundams are easial 100 times bigger than a person.


And yes, the women deserve more things. Take an example, in Legend of dragoon, there were guy and girl dragoons(rose, shana, etc). I think girls should have all the classes of a male.

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