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Napster Is Back!!!


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Napster is back, you know the illegal downloading service that was sued and stopped by Music Industry Bosses.

Well i was watching RI:SE (UK breakfast show) and on their news it said that Napster is back but this time is Legal and offers a Pay 2 Play service, so in otherwords it will have tracks that the record companys have allowed to be listened to on the internet.


Just to let you all know :)

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Let's clear this up:


a P2P program is NOT ILLEGAL - Do not make that assumption. It's like saying a car is illegal because it can speed over the speed limit - it's not the implement, it's the user and what they use on it. It may seem like a trivial distinction, but under the latest ruling in April 2003 in the USA, the programs are not illegal, the users are.


The sooner a PC version of how iTunes work on the Mac, the less likely the RIAA will complain about the loss of music sales and illegal file swapping....


WHY aren't they putting their energy into getting a Windows client to sell lmusic over, like iTunes?????

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Yeah I just read about this in the papers...Good to see Napster back, now it's just under some stricter rules. Unfortunetly it cost cash...And most people will prefer to use other programs like C'jais said like Kazaa which is free....So Napster is going to have compeptition this time around.

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this might go down in history as the biggest mistake the music industry ever made... they had a HUGE captive audience in napster... if they had made a deal, then slowly introduced charging they might have kept most of them (kazaa and everything were still aweful back then).


By shutting it down they caused the user base to fragment and all these almost unstopable alternatives like kazaa and edonkey to pop up.... i can't see why anyone would go back and pay to use napster now. idiots....:mad:

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I, for one use Kazaa. I was watching TV one day and i saw this commercial with all these actors saying " If you download pirated copies of movies, who will pay for my work", or something like that, and it just got me really POed so i just got on Kazaa and started downloading even more :p

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

I still buy cds but they cost so much. If they lowered the price then I might buy more cds. The artists would sell more and make more money or break even on what they were making before.

Not to go off topic, but it's the same for video games.


But you're right CW, it is too expensive. It's actually a joke. Just watch MTV cribs and see how hard-up 'musicians' are.....:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Yeah but it's different with games, some games are worth the money... no singles are worth what the cost imo.....

Well to be honest A_T, I've stopped buying singles. I just go for the albums now, but you've got a point.


Originally posted by Chase Windu

Same with DVDs. Depending on the features, how many features, how many dvds in the set, and/or how much you like the movie.

Well, I like buying me DVD's., so that don't bother me too much.

But I stick to my quote about MTV cribs....


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Originally posted by Chase Windu

We get music free from the radio. We can just call in a request to the radio station and when they play your song you can just record it. Same f***ing difference as downloading it from the net.


Technically it is not, and it is something that has been covered in the USA in the Home Recording Act. It allows you to tape TV and Radio stuff, and the "royalty" charge is built into the cost of the tapes you buy.


Broadcasting is different to distribution, they are not providing you with the actual master copy, for you then to forward onto others. You can't distribute something you've taped off the TV or radio either.


The distinction in the problem with P2P is the distribution, not the actual possesion of copyright material. Radio and TV are legal ways of broadcasting copyright material, P2P is unauthorised distribution of it.

It is not being broadcast, it is being shared, it's like handing out copies of a CD that you own to complete strangers on the street.


Creating MP3's, ripping DVD's are not illegal in any way, shape or form in most countries, as much as they try to add copy protection features to the media. It is once they are distributed you are breaking the law. All recording industries are concerned with the ability to make a perfect digital copy, with video and tapes, it lost quality on each subsequent copy, so it didn't concern them.


Some of you hit it right on the head, they had the chance to go to some developer, and emulate the same kind of thing that iTunes does well BEFORE Apple came out with it.

If the RIAA and other countries music industries came out with an option for those to purchase songs as they go along, then the use of P2P for file swapping would be a lot lower.

Of course many teenagers, and those that believe everything on the net is free would still do it. There are plenty, as shown in iTunes, out there prepared to pay a small cost to legally own the music they download. Instead of screaming out millions lost, they wouldn't be as concerned.

Personally, if they allowed for the download of a CD quality download of songs - a Wave file, not an MP3 or AAC, I would be all for it, it would then allow me to place it onto a CD to play in my stereo.


BTW, there is a "copyright" tag in an MP3, obviously the Frauhofer Institute left an opening for the recording industry to use this to stop/disable/corrupt file sharing. Like with everything else to do with the internet, they stuffed it right up.

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I would believe that once you have sold the CD, you are no longer able to legally have a copy of the music. You no longer own the copyrighted material.......


Otherwise it makes you the same as those file sharers, but a lot harder to track!!


I also thought that the rules of the forum aren't meant to allow posts that encourage stuff like this either, especially when it is coming from a mod.... (The topic is fine, the last couple are advocating keeping copyrighted material after they have sold it)


I don't pretend to be a person who doesn't file share, BUT I do understand the legal position of it all....

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