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The Forumation


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I got real curious today online, and so I figured I'd create this thread to hopefully satisfy my curiousity.


How did the admins (Ari, Chris, Met, Jake, etc.) come to be in their positions? Who decided we should merge and why? And if you have to admin or code for Lucasforums... where do you go to have fun? I'm just interested into who our top dog admins are as people instead of the untouchable icons we see on the News Posts.


Just curious into how this whole Forumation came to be... :confused:

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They actually don't exsist. They are only there for appearances only - they aren't real people.


Kinda like security gaurds in their 70's at walmart. I mean who are those guys really going to chase down anyways??


But beyond my simple humour -


I am really interested in knowing as well. :)

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

Well, Chris I believe started this whole LF idea, so that's how he got there. I think he had appointed some others as admins ( I know xeroscape and aristotle were appointed).



We know for sure there are 6 joint owners of the site. (I'm not entirely clear on who exactly they are so I won't attempt that)


Yeah...it'd be interesting to know how it all started out...maybe they'll make a movie or write a book about it...;)

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

I think he owns both Lucasfilms and Lucasarts but not Lucasforums. Am I mistaken on that?

Off the top of my head: George Lucas owns Lucasfilms, Lucasarts, Industrial Light & Magic, THX, and Skywalker Sound.


LFN is an independent network.

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Dang... I'm away for two days and still no answer?


I always thought it was that the "6" each had started their own star wars forums in vbulletin, and then they decided to merge them. But I know there's gotta be more to it than that.


By the power of Greyskull! I call down the great admins in the sky to tell us their story of this land's mortal creation. A story we like to call "The Forumation."






... Gonna set me up with the Admin in the sky... where I'm gonna go when I die (When I die!!!!!) He's gonna set me up with the admin in the sky... da doo da da da da doodoodoodoo doooooo da da da da da doodoodoodoooooo da da da da dooodoooodooooo... :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

I always thought it was that the "6" each had started their own star wars forums in vbulletin, and then they decided to merge them. But I know there's gotta be more to it than that.


I'll give you a hint - there are more sites on LFNetwork than Star Wars sites and LucasForums. This list have some of the bigger sites.

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Argh! I'm a rascist pig for not including the Lucasarts games besides the StarWars brand ones! The MIers about to come bash me, ban me, and lock this thread for my use of bad grammar! :eek:


I know the network is vast and the closest thing we have to a George-Lucas approved forumming community... so I guess the rabbit hole goes a little bit further.


So the few beginning sites were created and they merged into the Lucas Fan Network... and then sites were created in the fold that was the LucasFanNetwork. And each site had it's own forum. And it was good.


Then the idea formed that the forums would merge... into one great LucasForums community... and it was not so good. Worlds collided, some for the better and some for worse. The forums never really fully merged... they just got alot closer together to where it wasn't so hard to jump the fence into the neighbor's lawn.


And so the LucasFans Network was merged abit closer. :)


I still wanna hear the tale of the true forumation of the LucasFans Network though...

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Artoo: *Sigh* Why start crap here, eh? Friendly suggestion--just leave it alone, and bad stuff won't happen.


Remio: Thanks for the link. :D So Lucasforums is a part of LFN, intended to consolidate the forums from all the other websites. I'm just guessing here, but they probably did it to cut down on forums clogging up the individual servers...

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Originally posted by Artoo

The MIers about to come bash me, ban me, and lock this thread for my use of bad grammar! :eek:


I'm getting kinda sick of attitudes like that, especially since I just answered your questions. :¬:


Anyway, LFN was pretty much formally opened at the same time as LucasForums. I'm too lazy to get into it all, but if you read the About section at LFN you have the gist of it.

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Originally posted by RemiO

I'm getting kinda sick of attitudes like that, especially since I just answered your questions. :¬:


He was just saying he was sorry for excluding MI forums in his post when he only mentioned SW...that's all. He was just joking about the bashing part...no insults intended...just standard forum weirdness.;)


We were just wondering online who owned what and how they got together. Did they know each other already? etc...Basically he's asking the admins to write the Story of the Forumation. The true story...so we don't have to resort to theories like the Big Bang creation theory ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

He was just saying he was sorry for excluding MI forums in his post when he only mentioned SW...that's all. He was just joking about the bashing part...no insults intended...just standard forum weirdness.;)


Thanks Ferg, I really meant no harm with what I said, that's why I used the smiley I used... *reviews smiley choice* I'll try to be more clear with them next time. :D


Dangit I still haven't gotten an admin reply to this thread. At least I don't think anyway. I can't really see in post typing mode. They're probably too busy doing adminy things like paying the bills or writing the code that allow me to put these words up there for you people to see.

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