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Jango, Boba, Arc Clone, Clone models


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Its going to be a very tight schedule, but were still shooting for a weekend release. No one has expressed anything different (yet). We need to get the sounds in, and type up a readme. Both these things shouldnt take to long. I'm going to try and do both these things tonight, the only other thing is to mix the new sounds (Dark lords got some cool sounds). Some of the sounds will feature my voice work :rolleyes: But with the mixing it will sound great! Mars out!

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As soon as the site comes back up I will finish the sounds then send them to Neomarz1 and he will compile everything then We will be ready for release. Also we will be releasing AOTCTC Exclusive seasee Tinn ansd Eeth Koth witch are AaronSmith models. I just got done with sounds for them so they are rdy.

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cool 3 great models at the same time. can´t wait to play with them.

now there are more of the jedi high council. we have:


ki adi mundi

plo koon

shaak ti

seasee tin

eth koth

mace windu

trebor coleman

yarael poof


correct me if i forgot sombody.


it would be cool if someone would make even piell or yaddle.

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Originally posted by DarkLord60

so far the clones and mandalorians do work but as for the others I don't but I would assume since we are making this TC for both JO and JA


Eeth, and saesee both work. I just reskinned those, and the models seem to work fine for JA. Did you get the new sounds? Mars out

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Originally posted by RJW_ca

I sooooo have to know if it will be released today??? I soooo want to play with your Jango Fett--and Clone Troopers--the other jedi would be cool too!! When will the AOTC site be up again?




RJW_ca "OUT"


I hadnt planned on the site being down today... But the model should still come out soon, as soon as we are back up, and I recieve the sound edits. Not sure why the sites down, just hang tight. Mars out

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As a major Star Wars fan who loves little details, I just want to make a correction. Shaak Ti and Coleman ARE council members, but only in episode 2. In EP 2, they replace Yaddle and Yarael Poof. The rest of the council remains the same. As far as EP3, the only confirmed members are the 4 high councilors-Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon, and Ki-Adi (the four who were seen reporting directly to palpatine in Ep2.) :D Hopefully the Kman Plo Koon model is still coming out, however, I love the Aaron smith models, especially the Eeth and Saesee. I got those from Aaron a while back, but they don't have the new skins, which with Marz doing them will be a must have.

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No we will not be releasing them on any sites other than AOTCTC until after a week or so but the site should be up soon we paid for extra two years to keep the domain so we should be getting it back up soon. I hope by Monday. Unfortuatlly I have not recieved NeoMarz voice samples therefor I have not been able to edit them so we will have to wait for the site to go back up so i can recieve those files then it will take me about 10 minutes to edit sounds then i will send them back to NeoMarz.


Also BoL_Stryke how did you get our Seasee Tinn and Eeth Koth if it is AOTCTC exclusive. Did you get the from Aaron himself?


Originally posted by NeoMarz1

Eeth, and saesee both work. I just reskinned those, and the models seem to work fine for JA. Did you get the new sounds? Mars out


Yes I did finish those sounds last night.

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that seems a little rude dont you think RJW_ca, if you ask for the model emailed to you, everyone else will want it emailed to them also!


show some patience, aotctc will be up in no time, if not im sure that pcgamemods or someone would get a model of this caliber up in a flash...

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