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Powers back up for me.

Bob Gnarly

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So im onlinr talking to Eggplant when all of a sudden *woosh* lights and everything, out!


Turns out South East Canada is out, and Eastern america is out also, so i couldnt go to sleep because...well Looters :D when lights are out you can do anything:eek: so i waited all night in my living room with a game boy advance, a couple extra batteries, advance wars (frustrating game), a metal bat and some candels, everyone thought i was crazy till i heard kids yelling in the hallway of my apartment....so i was right:D:cool:


Anyways if you dont know what im talking about get your hand outta that bowl of chips, your ass of that chair and your eyes on a tv. :D

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This would drive me mad if I lived over there. The power is still out in most areas, last I heard. Some guy at Mustangworld (mustang forums I visit) works at an electricity plant over here on the western side of the US and he commented that when they do get those plants up and running it takes up to 48 hours for them to generate up back to full capacity. So it's gonna be a bit before people get their power back. All I can say is it sucks to be them.

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Meh, the lovely thing about the internet is you can find a picture of something anywhere. The only way to really prove it is to shove a piece of paper under it and write something to us.


But honestly, who cares if it's his or not? Besides, there's lots of things that are illegal and people still get their hands on them anyways. He very well could own one for all you know. My point? You can't prove nor disprove so it's pointless to argue over it. It's asinine anyhow.


But if that is yours, I wouldn't go showing it off on the internet. It's not as anonymous as you might think. There was this guy at a mustang forum I go to that posted up some story about how there's this dealership that had a whole bunch of 2003 Mustang Cobras this guy would drool at every day as he drove past. Sometimes the doors to some of the cars would be unlocked. He apparently knew this because he liked to go look at the cars, but only after the place closed because he didn't like the salesmen coming up and harassing and talking him in to buying one. He knew he couldn't afford one but it wouldn't take much convincing to pressure him into getting one anyways. Hell, I know I'd give my left nut for a 2003 Cobra. But anyways, he'd stop by sometimes after they closed and he'd oggle at the '03 Cobras. And he noticed sometimes they'd forget to lock the cars up. So apparently he'd sit in them. He especially liked the way the headrests on the seats looked compared to the ones on his Mustang. He went on to explain that he was all worked up and posting this story because he finally mustered up the balls to steal the headrests off of the seats, and swap them with the headrests from his mustang.


A few people on the board congratulated him, a few people called him an idiot for being a stupid theif and stealing headrests of all things, and still more people thought he was just lying. But then it turned out there was a guy that posted there who worked at that very dealership. It's not surprising really, on a board like that. I personally know about 5 people who post there that live in the same town as I do, and we usually plan meets at the drag strips, car shows, and whatnot. There's alot of people from alot of different areas that post there, and it's an interactive forum offline as well as online. But the moral of the story is that if you've done something illegal, own something illegal, or otherwise admit to something over the internet that you can get busted for, don't get surprised if you suddenly get caught. The internet isn't as anonymous as it might seem.

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