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EP3 News (Read at your own risk)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, here are some more spoilers, but be warned some are really big chunks so be careful not to choke on em'. Seriously.


- There is a point in the film when the clone troopers turn on their Jedi generals. Yoda is on Kashyyyk when this happens.


- There is a lava planet in the film. The "Bruce Spence" alien race is not on this planet. There is a unique new race that lives there.


- When things go down, Mace decides to go have a little chat with Palpatine. (and perhaps a fight ;) )


- Padme dies. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Well I don't know for sure if Padme dies in the movie, but my guess is she does, otherwise it wouldn't be an ep3 spoiler, would it?


Also I'm not sure we'll see Leia or Luke at a youg age, I know Lynk you have in mund the scene in RotJ where Leia tells luke about their mother. If I rember correctly she tells him she only rembers 'images'. My guess is she can keep these memories through her connection to the force (just a guess, trying to patch some plot holes ;) ).


Also I think it's been said that we are not to see a youg Han Solo in ep3, sorry Mamba.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Darthwookieee

From Major EP3 spoilers from a chat with Rick Macallum


Jar-Jar does not die in the film.

:fett: - NOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo.....................


It doesn't say anything about him not getting horribly mutilated though. :D

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my theory on the padme dying thing still remains the same.

i still think that anakin is tricked into thinking padme is dead and thats what finally pushes him over the edge. i don't think she will actually die in the film. theres no way leia could remember her if she's only a baby.

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Ya see, I don't think that is what turns him. I don't see Amidala having much part in his fall to the dark side. I think it will be more like when a spouse has to deal with their partner's drinking/drug problem. I think he just keeps getting corrupted by Palpatine. As I posted in another thread:


Originally posted in Death Of Dooku

Here is Jedispy's prediction:

*Anakin will duel Dooku/Tyranus once more.

*Anakin will seek revenge instead of justice.

*Anakin will duel Dooku/Tyranus with all of the rage and hatred in his heart. He will best the Sith Lord.

*He will chop off Dooku/Tyranus' hand just as his was.

*He will not kill Dooku/Tyranus immediately. Enter Sidious.

*The Sith Master will walk on scene and suprise Anakin.

*Anakin will turn to challenge the Sith Master, leaving the weakened Dooku/Tyranus alone.

*Still wearing the cloak, Sidius will duel Anakin (I predict with two red sabers.)

*Anakin will be no match for the Sith Master.

*Sidius will lower his blades and begin the all too familiar Emperor cackle. "Good boy. Very good."

*Sidius will remove the hood to reveal his true identity.

*Anakin, confused and dismayed, will lower his lightsaber in allegience.

*Palpatine: "You have done well. Now finish him," pointing to Dooku "and take his place at my side."

*Anakin will lift his head, and in rage will kill Dooku.

*Anakin Skywalker now ceases to exist as Palpatine coronates the Sith birth of Darth Vader.


At this turning of the tide, the Jedi Council will feel the negative change in the balance of the force. Yoda will continue his Haiku-like statements:

Fear. Pain. Aggression.

I fear for young Skywalker

Bad feeling have I.


Thus sayeth Jedispy.


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Anakin Dueling Sidious after Dooku....no i don't think thats going to happen, because Dooku kicked Anakins butt in EP2, and it's been stated that he doesn't become Vader until a lava duel. :)


And i don't think old Palpy has a saber...


But if that was how things were to happen, then i wouldn't be bad. ;)

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By Tesla

Anakin Dueling Sidious after Dooku....no i don't think thats going to happen, because Dooku kicked Anakins butt in EP2

True, but consider a couple things:

1. Anakin was beaten by Dooku after he was zapped by force lightening. That's bound to take a guy down a few notches.

2. Anakin was not a full Jedi Knight yet. In EP3 I believe Anakin is now a Jedi (someone please correct me if I am wrong in this. The reason why I think he will be a Jedi is because Yoda calls him a "Powerful Jedi" in ESB).


...it's been stated that he doesn't become Vader until a lava duel.

It has also been said:

1. That there were going to be 9 SW stories.

2. That Obi Wan and Owen are brothers.

3. That C-3PO was made by Cybot Galactica

4. That Star Trek is better than Star Wars (this last one is way off.)


While you do have a good point, I think ol' Georgie-porgie is going to change things up a little.


And i don't think old Palpy has a saber...

Difficult to see it is. Always in motion is the future....and Lucas' mind on these matters.:yoda:


But if that was how things were to happen, then i wouldn't be bad.

And I could be completely off. However I stand by my prediction, and the sacred big screen will reveal all that is uknown.


Who knows, maybe Anakin will become so pissed off at Jar Jar's pungent Gungan presence that this alone will turn him to the Dark Side.


Jar Jar:"Meesa likes eatin' fishies."


Anakin: "Yeah o.k. whatever dude"


Jar Jar:"Does Yousa understand the words that are coming out of meesa mouf?"


Anakin: "Uh.....Jedi lightsaber....what?"


Jar Jar:Incoherant and incessant babbling


Anakin: "STFU Jar Jar!!!!"


Jar Jar:Yet even more incessant babbling about whatever


Anakin/Vader: "I find your lack of brain disturbing."


Vader then procedes to clinch his "force-chokin'" fingers


Ah....we can only wish.....

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

The character who speaks the classic line, "I have a bad feeling about this" is one that has not spoken the line before.


that's about it for now.



i pretty certain padme hasn't said it yet so i'm guessing it will be her.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

O.k. Just saw ROTS today. First off...



O.K. I have that out of my system now.


Now for my previous prediction:


Originally posted by jedispy


*Anakin will duel Dooku/Tyranus once more. <--- CORRECT!!

*Anakin will seek revenge instead of justice.<--- CORRECT!!

*Anakin will duel Dooku/Tyranus with all of the rage and hatred in his heart. He will best the Sith Lord. oooh....close

*He will chop off Dooku/Tyranus' hand just as his was.<--- CORRECT!!

*He will not kill Dooku/Tyranus immediately. Enter Sidious.<--- CORRECT!!

*The Sith Master will walk on scene and suprise Anakin. Nah...not really. but it does happen later on

*Anakin will turn to challenge the Sith Master, leaving the weakened Dooku/Tyranus alone. nah...not really

*Still wearing the cloak, Sidius will duel Anakin (I predict with two red sabers.) Nah...not at all

*Anakin will be no match for the Sith Master. again, not even close

*Sidius will lower his blades and begin the all too familiar Emperor cackle. "Good boy. Very good." Pretty close on this one

*Sidius will remove the hood to reveal his true identity. Nope

*Anakin, confused and dismayed, will lower his lightsaber in allegience. <CORRECT!!

*Palpatine: "You have done well. Now finish him," pointing to Dooku "and take his place at my side." Pretty much correct

*Anakin will lift his head, and in rage will kill Dooku. Kinda correct

*Anakin Skywalker now ceases to exist as Palpatine coronates the Sith birth of Darth Vader. <--- CORRECT!!




I was expecting the Anakin/Dooku duel to be exactly like the Luke/Vader duel in ROTJ. I was pretty close, and for the most part, it had all the same elements.

*Palpatine sitting in a chair/throne of some sort

*Jedi vs. Sith duel

*Jedi has cybernetic right hand.

*Palpatine was ecstatic and had that same cackle at the two fighting

*The sith duelist gets his hand(s) cut off.


Really, only one thing is different. Luke realised from his failure at the cave on Dagobah that if he followed down the dark path, that he in turn would become his own enemy. As a result of this dark side preparation training, Luke was able to resist the Emperor's temptations.


Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention...



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