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3-6-9 consequtive threads Lynk...not bad...

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...but we used to do this way better, by having 15 or more in a row.


Oh and, I just wanted to say hi to the rest of the RSN community (<notice I'm not calling it by it's homosexual name), but especially to the Tentacle Queen who practically owns this place.


You know....I still long for the old tentacle lovin you used to...EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE STAND BY!! ...any case, just wanted to say hi to everyone ;)

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been away

usually from hell, but that's debatable

sayin hi

cause you were the most influential person here when I was around, and probably the only one to -match-(that's a broadened term) me in the "clever" spa*cough*posting count ;)

....anything I'm missin out on?

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