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Anyone going to hold off on buying JA?


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I'm considering picking it up in several months.


By then:


They'll have stopped patching and I'll have spared myself the adjustment agony between patches.


It will be clear where the community at large stands on the game.


Some of the better mods will begin to surface. There will be plenty of excellent skins and custom maps available.


The forums here should return to normalcy by then; the unwashed release-time masses shall have disapated.


I'll have a better system to play it on.


Anyone else going to do the unthinkable alongside yours truly?

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Hey...I'm already playing it...not the warez...the other night I had a dream that I was playing JA (I'm 100% serious). I was at the start of the game, playing a human male with a single green saber. There was another Jedi with me (Kyle?). We were fighting all these dark jedi with red dual/double sabers. We were in...kind of an attic area...a big wooden attic with a hugh hole in the front....I think the place was burning. For those who have played Enter the Matrix, it looked exactly like the attic in the chateau. I was killing them all...I think the other guy died...then I woke up or something.


Unfortunely, I didn't get to see any of the character creation, or saber selection, or force selection. :(

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Hey, Boinga1. I'm reading a book about astrophysics, which also has a lot about psychology and psychophisiology (is this a word?) and they say that reality is the brain's perception of the universe. In other words, that was as real as actually playing it.


Back to the topic, No! I will play it as soon as possible. I will wait as little as possible. If a playable demo comes out before I get it, I will make no hesitation to download it.


As an active JK2 mapper, I need the game early on to help jumpstart the editing community anyway.


I can't preorder it because the last three things I preordered didn't arrive :( . I went through dozens of phone calls and finally got my money back, then I got the games as gifts a month later :) .

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Looks like I'm the only one who's probably going to do what you're doing, Sargasso. My parents really don't like it when I buy stuff in autumn, what with Christmas being around the corner and all. (they don't want me to buy a game they might have already gotten me for a Christmas present. :D ) I might have to tell them about some games I've been dying to get for Gamecube, and then I might get JA early. If not, I'll have to wait until Christmas to get it.


When I do get it, though, my father is going to inevitably walk in, watch me play for about a minute or so in silence, and say, "this is like Jedi Outcast." Then I'll have to argue in vain that no, look at the customizable characters, sabers, new levels, enemies, and so on and so forth, that it's much different than JO. (don't get me wrong, I love my father dearly. He's one of my best friends as well as a father. It's just that about the only video game he plays is Super Smash Bros. Melee. :p )

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Originally posted by Prime

I'll be jumping in the day it comes out. I wouldn't want to be left behind in MP. What if the game doesn't have any gameplay-altering patches? Then you'll be a few months behind the rest of us...


Won't really bother me. There's always going to be someone better than me anyways...someone with better reflexes, better hardware and connection, and most definitely more time to invest in practice.


I suppose it is neat in the beginning when most people around you are expirementing and don't know what they're doing.... but that I find this 'break-in' period lasts shorter and shorter in games as more veteran fps players take up arms every year.


This is especially true of game sequels that keep many of the fundamental elements of their predecessors, and DF series beyond JK in particular. While the JK-esque multiplayer is harder to master than most other FPSes, veteran JKers had a huge leg up for JO, and JO players will have an even great advantage against DF series virigins.

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I would get it ASAP, but unfourtunatly, my computer is cursed with a wimpy 16MB Intel Integrated video card, short of the 32MB requirement. Why, it doesn't even have T&L support! I am saving up for a new computer though, so it is time for me to redouble my efforts.

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Yeah. A demo is a really smart move I think. A game like JA has a lot of people wondering if they should buy it. Games like Half-Life 2, Doom III, Deus Ex: Invisible War, sell themselves just with the name, demos aren't really needed.

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Originally posted by Emon

Yeah. A demo is a really smart move I think. A game like JA has a lot of people wondering if they should buy it. Games like Half-Life 2, Doom III, Deus Ex: Invisible War, sell themselves just with the name, demos aren't really needed.


DoomIII - definitely.


HL2 - sure.


DX:IW? Not really, unfortunately. Not unlike NOLF, DX was a great game that sold OK, but not on par with its' excellence. (if my recollection of sales are incorrect, please correct me).


Jedi Knight II was one of the biggest PC games last year, and held full price at retail longer than 15 months! Other than MoHAA it was the top selling PC FPS last year, IIRC. Let's see - Star Wars movie license, continuation of Jedi Knight top selling game series, get to be a Jedi with lightsabers ... no recognition there ... :rolleyes: it is about the least in need of a demo of any game ever ...


... but that doesn't mean I don't want one ;)



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Originally posted by Sargasso

Won't really bother me. There's always going to be someone better than me anyways...someone with better reflexes, better hardware and connection, and most definitely more time to invest in practice.


I suppose it is neat in the beginning when most people around you are expirementing and don't know what they're doing.... but that I find this 'break-in' period lasts shorter and shorter in games as more veteran fps players take up arms every year.


This is especially true of game sequels that keep many of the fundamental elements of their predecessors, and DF series beyond JK in particular. While the JK-esque multiplayer is harder to master than most other FPSes, veteran JKers had a huge leg up for JO, and JO players will have an even great advantage against DF series virigins.

Good points Sargasso :)


If you aren't a competative player (like me), then it probably doesn't matter. But I just can't wait. :D


I think releasing a demo early shows confidence by Raven. They know that there are high expectations as well as some reservations (definitely more so than JO). Releasing a demo early shows that they think they have addressed the problems and created a great game.

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Also, if you wait that long, by the time you start dueling (if thats yo thang), you will suck compared to everyone who has already had two months practice with all the new stances and special moves you can do. Besides, it's cool to be part of a gaming "community" from the beginning, and watch it grow anf change from the inside. Ok, that last part might be a bit too philosophical, but **** it. I take my games quite seriously. ;)

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