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Force Combo Speculations...

Grets Sirob

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Ok, I seem to remember reading somewhere( I don't remember exactly where, sorry), that you could do "force combo's."


Well, after examining a picture, I think I might have spotted one.

I'm not entirely sure though, tell me what you think.




Here we see the player doing what appears to be Force Drain.

That's all there is to it, right?


If you'll notice, the player is surrounded by a red, lightning-like effect. Looks a lot like Force Rage, doesn't it?

Could this be a force combo? Rage and Drain?



Also, someone has said that they think a certain picture relates to a Drain/Grip combo...


I don't know, just a thought.

Go on, speculate! :)

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Actually, that looks like Rage and Lightning. Drain is where you grab the sucker by the throat/eyes and suck the life out of them.


Other probable combinations.


Rage and speed (looking forward to this one :D ).

Grip and push (worked in JO for almost a 100% knockdown)

Protect and absorb (making yourself VERY damage resistant)

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I don't think you quite understand Anakin.

Yes, those are quite possible, but not exactly what I was refering to.


I was meaning, blending two (or possibly more?) force powers to get a completely different affect. Such as in the screenshot.


I'll throw a few completely random combinations/effects out there, that will probably not be in the game:


Lightning/Grip: Raise the enemy above the ground with a chain of lightning. (Whoa.. that'd actually be pretty awesome...)


Protect/Push: Cause a large bubble to explode out of your body, pushing any nearby enemies away. (That might be cool too...)


Anyways, those were just examples, they probably won't be in the game(it'd be cool if they were though. :).

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Originally posted by Grets Sirob

Lightning/Grip: Raise the enemy above the ground with a chain of lightning. (Whoa.. that'd actually be pretty awesome...)


Actually, if you look at official Trailer 2, there's a brief snippet in there where the PC uses lightning, and sends a lot of Stormies flying backwards into walls... (timeframe 1:20).


Thinking about it, that's probably a Force combo... ;)

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Originally posted by Anakin1607

Actually, that looks like Rage and Lightning. Drain is where you grab the sucker by the throat/eyes and suck the life out of them.


Other probable combinations.


Rage and speed (looking forward to this one :D ).

Grip and push (worked in JO for almost a 100% knockdown)

Protect and absorb (making yourself VERY damage resistant)



no that would be grip....:rolleyes:

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spoilers - info on force power graphics.



check http://www.lucasarts.com/products/jediacademy - the force powers section. under force drain, it has a picture of two guys surrounded by red auras, one guy is holding the other by the throat, and looks like he's ready to punch him, or rip his heart out or something. lightning is still blue, and grip makes the hand glow red and the enemy's neck glow red. force rage looks similar to the picture, but it looks more like a suit, rather than something touching the body, as in the picture. it also has a glowing aura about it, similar to that generated by grip.


im not sure what's happening in that picture, since drain isn't a ranged attack anymore, according to the pictures on the official site. maybe it's an old screeny based on a previous version of the game, or maybe drain becomes ranged at higher levels?


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Perhaps there is an additional "red lightning on your body effect" for Drain as well? Maybe it's a "pulsing" effect, and thus all the screenshots don't show us the effect (ie: the screenshot taker caught it during its "off" pulse). Or perhaps the "red lightning effect" happens when the Drain user is being "healed" by the health he stole from his victim?


Just an attempt at an alternate explanation. Sort of like the DEMP2 lightning shots (lightning pulses out of the expanding explosion of secondary fire).


The old "Force Darkside Hug" power could have been Grip+Drain (think about it... old Drain doesn't hold you in place.. Grip does, combine them and whoa..). But then why would they list that pic for Drain as if it were the "normal" function of the power?


In JK2 SP you could already combine some powers (Grip and Saberthrow for example) and they did say we'd see more of that here. So I am really not certain....

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The old "Force Darkside Hug" power could have been Grip+Drain (think about it... old Drain doesn't hold you in place.. Grip does, combine them and whoa..). But then why would they list that pic for Drain as if it were the "normal" function of the power?


I agree. I don't think they would show a Force combo screenie for a Force power - they would show the default effect for that power. Unless someone messed up somewhere. So I'm inclined to believe the 'death hug' is straightforward Drain when you're close enough to grab your victim. And I agree with the idea that the 'lightning' effect on the player is depicting the life force being sucked out of the victim, and entering the player. That makes sense to me. :)

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I'm pretty sure it's just drain. I agree with Stormie about the "death hug", just being drain at close range. The player glows because the life force is sucked into them. I wonder, though, why the rancor isn't glowing.


What I find interesting is that the player's hp reads 112. Could drain bring you to 200, or is it MP? Don't you start with 125 in JK2 MP and then it slowly lowers to 100?

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Originally posted by master_thomas

What I find interesting is that the player's hp reads 112. Could drain bring you to 200, or is it MP? Don't you start with 125 in JK2 MP and then it slowly lowers to 100?


That's not a screenshot from MP - there would be a frag score down the bottom at the very least, and that's definitely the same location from the SP Rancor encounter (just check the Rancor trailer from jk.net).


So it does look like you can increase your health beyond 100 in SP - but I would imagine it is a temporary effect caused by Drain. I would imagine your health goes down to 100 again.


I don't think Drain will actually kill that Rancor...but if you're stealing it's life essence, maybe that slows it down. :confused:

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Originally posted by master_thomas

I think I heard that force drain drains life now. That would make it so that drain doesn't require a force user to work. Maybe it drains force from a force user and life from a non-force user or force-user with no force pool left.

Check out the main site.


Force Drain "Drains health from non-player characters and uses it to replenish the players health."



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Originally posted by StormHammer

Actually, if you look at official Trailer 2, there's a brief snippet in there where the PC uses lightning, and sends a lot of Stormies flying backwards into walls... (timeframe 1:20).


Thinking about it, that's probably a Force combo... ;)


Yeah but they aren't flying. They're just being pushed back. I think they did that in JK2 as well...


AND...on a side note...maybe using Rage will give you new abilities with the dark side force powers. Like the drain makes you choke the victim and possibly that lightning shot on the main page is the result of rage as well....That'd be awesome.

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/\ Yes, level 3 lightning pushed back stormies (and Kyle, when Desann used it) in JO.



I really hope Drain isn't too powerful. In all these shot, we see possibly Drain and Rage- it's used only 1/4 of the Force Meter! Drain just...I dunno, needs to be "weaker" I think. Or, it can be really powerful, but Drain should be weak. Drain gives draksiders essentially an incredible speed/protect combination, something a lighty can't match. If darkies get that, then lgihties need an edge- weaker Drain for darkies.


And yes, it does make more sense for Drain to drain...life. :rolleyes:

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Sorry if I didn't read all of the posts in this topic.


But am I the only one that thinks that this is Lightning + Rage?


I notice in the hud that the player has 100+ health, and im not sure if Raven will allow us to have more than a 100 from drain. But then again how did he recieve so much health in the first place? *puzzeled*


Then again it could be drain...maybe you can get up to 200 health points with drain?

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I will go out on a limb and people can agree with me or not, but I think its just a redone Drain, and that if anything there could be 2 or 3 variations of it( and other force powers also possibly having variations), long range and the death Hug as it has been appropriately named, because when looking at the main site for force powers, the drain has that red lighting-like aura around both the attacker and the victim, but what if you want to drain from a distance??..Well then again, it could be lightning and drain since rage is more of a defensive/offensive dark side power than attack power.

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