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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/20 in all areas

  1. I've been collecting Telltale memorabilia since they were founded, so I'm pretty much the Telltale historian at this point. 😛 I posted some of the stuff on Twitter after Telltale went kaput, but my collection has grown since then: I'll see if I can assemble all of the Telltale stuff I've accumulated since then into pictures, as well as my Double Fine stuff (tons) and LucasArts stuff (not so much).
    2 points
  2. 1 to 4 is the opening scene with Bart & Fink (or a small part of it) 5 to 27 is Guybrush walking around the graveyard on Scab (reading inscriptions) - 17 to 21 are the same line for some reason 28 to 92 is the scene with Rap Scallion (29 is funny) 93 to 261 is the scene where Guybrush meets Elaine again in her home on Booty.
    2 points
  3. I'm curious to have a look to all of your LucasArts-related games/collectibles! I'm sure some of you own some seriously rare stuff. I'll just start with my own games collection and a few collectibles:
    1 point
  4. When I was a kid I had the choice between DoTT in a triangle box or DOS 6.1. My computer only had DOS 3.3, so I chose DOS. Needless to say, I chose... poorly.
    1 point
  5. Great collection! Especially love seeing that MM box. I was thinking about this the other day. I know most of my boxes are gone, but I think my DOTT triangle box might still be in my parents' basement.
    1 point
  6. Whoops, sorry. Think you've got a couple of errors there. I assume you meant: 1. MI1 2. MI2 3. CMI 4. TMI 5. That high school production of Monkey Island 6. Marius' flash movie re-telling of MI1 7. EMI
    1 point
  7. Just to correct the typo, you probably meant to say: MI2 MI1 TMI EMI CMI (I only assume everyone means to agree with me.)
    1 point
  8. Aric has confirmed that it is indeed the voice of Tamlynn Niglio (Elaine)
    1 point
  9. It likely has to do with the fact that Rush Limbaugh ridiculed peace protesters during the Gulf War, so it would be ironic that his campaigning against peace would lead to him becoming a slave under Purple Tentacle's authoritarian rule.
    1 point
  10. There's 7 possible headlines according to the game script. I've attached an animation of them: "Rash of Cow Tipping Baffles Police" ..."Triangular Man Spotted at Scene" "Froofroo Emerald Stolen!"..."Circular Prints Left Behind" "Tentacle Rescues, Returns Emerald"..."Mayor Congratulates Purple Hero" "Purple Tentacle is Man of the Year"..."Tentacle Visits White House" "Tentacle to Run as GOP VP"..."Helms `Miffed`" "President Ailing-- Tentacle Steps In"..."`I'm in Charge Here`" "Tentacle Amends Constitution"..."Humans Now Slaves" I dont see the Rush Limbaugh text unless its changed in the remastered version, I'm looking in the classic cd one here.
    1 point
  11. Yes! They're full of very specific political references. Jesse Helms being "miffed" re: Reagan choosing Bush for a running mate in 1980. (Newspaper 5/7) I think the Mayor is supposed to be Abraham Beame (Mayor of NYC '74- '77) This photo is what sold me on it. (Newspaper 3/7) But the last one I've been trying to figure out is: Is that Rush Limbaugh? If so, why? (Newspaper 7/7)
    1 point
  12. Well, guess I found myself a project. I started working on this the other day and have managed to get more cutscenes than ever before somehow. I'm thinking at this point it's a combination of time related to actions and switching between characters. Staying on a single individual in a time period or waiting around doesn't seem to result in anything. There are also a handful of lines that will trigger one. I still didn't manage to trigger the one I was looking for though, I'm starting to think I might have made it up. I could have sworn that there is at least one of the moustached tentacle arriving to find Laverne in the tree. (Not the one where she gets down from the tree). Did get to see my favourite newspaper headline though - which I've rarely seen. For sake of records, this is paper 6 out of 7 I've managed to find.
    1 point
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