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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/22 in all areas

  1. This is the best I could do
    7 points
  2. This year has been pretty terrible for me. I was feeling the lowest i've ever felt, i couldn't enjoy anything in my life like i used to and i just felt no hope. However, the news of a new Monkey Island really helped me get excited about something again. I'm so grateful to Ron, Dave and their team for that. But god... it upsets me seeing people crap all over it. Its like if Santa claus who has brought us so much wonderful joy in the past, surprised us with that dream present we always wanted, but we turn on him because it wasn't right coat of paint we wanted. Its still the toy car we always wanted but all we care about is the damn colour... It's a new Monkey Island! In 2022!!! Its a frigging miracle that Monkey Island was allowed out of the Disney vault. But people obsess only on what they dislike, they can't just enjoy things... This is why we can't have nice things... I kinda want to see a Monkey Island themed version of this meme. Edit: come to think of it... Murray is in the background 😂💀
    5 points
  3. Thank funk! I was afraid they'd hired Dominic Armato to voice Chuck the palm tree.
    3 points
  4. As a quick test I took the 1977 map (which had the best quality at Archive.org), cleaned it up and color-matched it to the back of the game's manual: We should get an even better results as soon as we can work with uncompressed high-resolution scans.
    3 points
  5. I know @Marius tried something similar - starting with the published source code from the Delores engine release and adding a couple Monkey 1 scenes. You could conceivably start from there and then split them out to have parallaxing layers, lighting, effects, but it would be a lot of work given how relatively undocumented that release is.
    2 points
  6. Some form of analog stick usage, lips that flap and oh yeah Guybrush confirmed:
    2 points
  7. Dude, your passion and enthusiasm is infectious, I love it! 100% agree on the community memories, I joined pretty late around the time Tales was announced so I've only gotten a mere taste of it, but I stuck around in the shadows and with everything that's happening recently it really feels like the world of Mojo has made a comeback, and I'm here for it!
    2 points
  8. Oh my gosh! I actually wanted to make one for the Grim Fandango remaster too! The Hit the Road one is my first attempt (because Sam and Max is the first thing I gravitated towards initially) and I started it a good while ago, like 8 months ago I think? I had to take a break from it when I hit the roadblock of the background map, plus I had to go abroad for an end of studies internship in January so this kind of took priority hahaha. I wanted to see how the process of making the box would go before starting any other box. I am still abroad right now and don't have my tablet with me, I'll have to pick that project back up in August when I return so I don't think opening a thread right now would do anything haha! However, when I get back to doing this, I'd love to document the process of actually putting the box together so maybe I'll ask if I can make a thread about it when I get to that! If the process goes well and the boxes look good enough, I was thinking of making them for other lucasarts or non lucasarts games (I want to make one for the Neverhood because I feel like it) and making them available for anyone to download and print out at home as papercraft projects (I, for one want to make a tiny version for my Sam and Max figures to hold in their hands) or to make their own reproductions (for people like me who can't afford to buy a legitimate one off of ebay or even those whose boxes are damaged and can't be displayed). Sorry for the ramble... TL; DR; I'd love to make reproduction boxes for more games and I'd love to make them available for everyone to print out at home.
    2 points
  9. ALRIGHT, LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go wild with speculation, folks
    1 point
  10. There's a larger area visible in this advert which might make it easier to track down.
    1 point
  11. Relevant then would be this video I *just* seen of someone running SMI in a reimplemented Thimbleweed engine
    1 point
  12. I’m sorry to hear that, Vainamoinen. I hope you’ll find someone who can help with your eyes. I just had surgery last january to add extra lenses to mine, both my eyes were -7. Anyway, I hope things look up for you too! This is such a positive community, and I feel awful hearing that people feel down. ❤️ I’m currently watching a walkthrough of the first 60 minutes of Thimbleweed Park with Ron Gilbert, and I’m falling completely in love with that game and his writing again! If RtMI is half as amusing, I’m sold!
    1 point
  13. That’s terrible to hear. I hope things turn up for you soon, and I’m thankful this new game brought some light in your life when you were feeling down. Take care. ❤️ Ron having to shut the comments down again really makes me sad. People are shitting on his doorstep, and even when he points out to them how rude that is they continue to shit on his doorstep. I hope the team knows it’s just a vocal minority, I know I take comfort in that. @ThunderPeel2001, next time you ask for something new to obsess on, please be more specific. 😜
    1 point
  14. So I was able to pull the trigger tonight on the Switch and PC BTaS LRG big boxes and am planning to do the same with the TTIV boxes as well later this month. If I can I may try to get the standard releases as well but so far they were sacrifices I had to make to make hopefully be able to this work with 2 titles releasing this way at the same time. I'm glad to do it though, I really love these games, the memories of community that they bring back and the care that's been taken in their updating. The eventual shelf full of Sam and Max stuff alone will be worth it 😉
    1 point
  15. What a tease https://twitter.com/devolverdigital/status/1524947239302578176?s=20&t=mDkw0o5mmYrh-CBkpSJkEg
    1 point
  16. Ron's decided to close the comments again Some people need to do whatever the Monkey Island fandom equivalent of touch grass is. We're getting a new Monkey Island game! That we never thought we'd get!! By Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman!!! This year!!!! And every little thing we hear about it sounds really cool!!!! But sure. Focus your energy on saying rude things about 4 screenshots. To me the great pity of it is that it might put him off wanting to do something like this again.
    0 points
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