Yes, absolutely, it was Telltale's finest hour. That said, I might indeed be the type to slight The Walking Dead, but then again, I never liked zombies that much; the hopelessness that pervades this work kind of dragged me down; and the TTG forum culture went out the door with the advent of a gazillion hyperactive twelve year olds. Besides, if my elephant brain doesn't let me down here, the great schism of those ancient times was puzzles or no puzzles. I was a puzzle guy. The Devil's Playhouse had them.
I'm looking forward to re-experience this game and to find out, without any rose tinted glasses, what this particular je ne sais quoi (with an i in the last word, mind you) actually is/was.
For now, my two questions are:
Soundtrack, bandcamp, when? I want to send my money flying on those heavenly wavelengths ...
New lines of dialog?! Which ones? (I'd ask those P. B.s you mention, but given the cataloguing talent they've demonstrated with the last S&M remasters, I might get more accurate results asking a random six year old)