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Status Updates posted by jonathan7

  1. Doc, Doc, you disappeared off msn... you ok?

  2. Heya Samn, had the day off work today, so didn't have the use of our library - could of got sources from the internet, but I tend to loathe using them, (I'm pretentious like that). So will reply 2morro! :) GB j7

  3. Sup Q; what have you made of Xarwarz Graphical Enhancement to TSL?

  4. You get my PM? :xp: GB j7

  5. Heya SA,


    No worries for the rant, always good to hear from you! I have had a similar problem in that I had hoped to have my end of Force Fashion finished before the end of the holidays, but hasn't happened. I had two of my best friends staying for the last few days, hence no progress reports, so nothing has happened since my last post in thread unfortunately. I think our problem is we're perfectionists which is why our skins take so long :xp: I'm delaying playing KotOR till your mod :) Let me know if I can help, and will keep you up with progress of FF2 GB j7

  6. Cool beans, awesome news, I look forward to looking at the Podcast - I really liked that Republic HoloNewsNet Idea, I think that will really help in immersion in the Galaxy! GB jx

  7. If the texture is unique to K2 then it would be porting, if the texture is in both games then it's not porting. If you organise Jolee's model as you want it, I can sort out the texture to be the same as the Sith Assassin from K2, then all we would need would be a mask. What you upto for Christmas?? GB j7

  8. Heya Shem! :D


    Hope this finds you well! :)


    GB J7

  9. Oh, don't get me wrong, Dunga was a wonderful holding midfield player, - the best around at WC 94 - just not the man to manager you I think. I agree with the vicious circle... GB J7

  10. Hey, I'm well thanks, not too much going on atm job hunting - which is great fun *cough* Just trying to get older mods up at KotOR Files - so emailing modders and hoping they still use that email account. Considering what Philosophy book to read next; what you upto atm? GB j7

  11. Hey, I did, thanks very much! It made a great bday present :D I'm preparing an email back for you (the Sith Stalker stuff, for you to enjoy! and possibly the female jedi robe, if you fancied having a look at it?), I have to say that your .psd's are a lot more orderly and well kept than mine! GB j7

  12. My cousin who is fighting cancer has basically lost it and been given 3-6 weeks to live. Usually; I'm referred to as the last bastion of hope - however in this case, I think it best to prepare for the worst.

  13. Can I presume you got Photoshop working from your post? :) GB j7

  14. You may wanna check this post out... FFk1 is including armours specially for you! ;) GB j7

  15. Hmmm, looking at the link I think that Adobe has changed the licence so you can only get it as a trial now :( - However if your a Student you can get a copy of Adobe's Cold Fusion for Free - hope that helps! GB j7

  16. I'm back, was on holiday in India :p GB j7

  17. Hehe, looking sexy! mimartin won't be happy though, he wanted to be Micheal :xp: GB j7

  18. I am delighted by your latest post :D -- j7

  19. “The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.” -- Bertrand Russell


    In terms of antiquity, Aristotle, takes the award as my favourite Greek philosopher, and Cicero my favourite Roman one. -- j7

  20. You should be more careful over how you phrase things...


    "After all, it's pretty hard to take a man who sends homosexual pornography to a judge as a case brief"



  21. Hey Dak, if you create the custom merchant placeable it should be possible to just use KotOR tool to add the necessary weapons etc (as you can edit the usual merchants this way) however I can create the proper .uti's (I currently only have test ones). Would you also like me to send you the Jedi Quarren skin, who was the dude I was intending to have as our Merchant (means he can just talk in Quarren). I can let send you the login account for my Dropbox account which has all the Force Fashion K1 stuff in (incase of hard-drive failure etc). GB j7

  22. Cheers bro :) GB j7

  23. What are your plans for the curved hilt?? It looks very good! :) GB j7

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