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Chevron 7 locke

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Status Updates posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. All you need to do is spend a full day on Narutopedia reading all the articles

  2. Hiya BFA(Former Plumber)


    What's new?

  3. Yes! I do rather enjoy Pain! It's good for the bones! Makes your bones good and strong so you can resist more pain!


    I'm trying to force myself to work on TC...It's spring break, and I have TC...


    Someone doesn't like me...

  4. I have the mission at 19 mod and the patch, I'll send it to you when I find it.

  5. As much as I hate to admit it you have me there. There just don't seem to be enough trekkies.

  6. If I may ask, when were you planning on introducing Kaneda in the Rising Darkness?

  7. So tell me, what did you think of the first chapter of the story? I had a couple more ideas that I thought of. One of them involves CQ's character but he hasn't been on in awhile so I don't know how that would work.

  8. Congrats on the badge Shana! Glad to see that you got it! :D

  9. I have a new Star Wars Rp up. :) Are you interested in joining?

  10. Well CQ, One more person and I think we'll be able to start up the Rp. :)

  11. I was thinking of starting it over on another site. And I was thinking either RPG.com or possibly Iwaku.

  12. *Picks up a couch and nails CQ with it*


    *walks into the sunset and leaves the couch behind*

  13. I can make it happen! *Starts mind control process*

    Triggergod: I have the strange urge to chat in DRunken trim travelers all night! and to put on a girly dress!

  14. Hey Trigger, what's new?

  15. Hey Trigger, Do you want to Join the El Goonish Shive social group?

  16. I am so confused. Are you going to join Bunnies Anonymous?

  17. Never Mind! I'm going to give the Jedi Masters a try

  18. Sadly, it's fan-made, But she did confess her love to him in chap.437 and there was an epic fight.


    Chapter was quite well done.

  19. Hey Phantom, I got a question for ya.


    First of all, this is not an attempt to get you to post in Shinobi, I actually think the plot of shinobi is well done.


    Can I use the plot of Shinobi on a different website? It won't be the same characters, but the plot would be basiclly the same. You would get credit for the original idea.

  20. CQ...please tell me your planning on posting in survivors of order 66 today, we have to get Kyvios's character out of limbo so he can start posting again. until we get him out, I don't think the Rp is going to go anywhere fast.

  21. Thanks.


    I'm going to have my character a bit out of touch with the rest of the galaxy since I know nothing about anything in the series.

  22. you haven't posted in shinobi in a while is what it means.

  23. Not really. :(


    Been trying to stir up some excitment around here but alas. Nothing

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