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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. you haven't changed your avy in a while. Why don't you get a new Avatar to shape things up? OR even change your name to Momerator

  2. why did you change your avatar back?

  3. Yeah, a mod that starts out with an opening crawl and it says




    It is Calebs b-day today and he is turning 14

    Everybody is celebrating and Jacob (aka Te Darasuum Mandalor)

    has created him a special bday opening crawl mod and this is what it says.



    (it repeats itself 5 times. On the last time, it doesen't say this is what it says)

  4. I can skin and make modules.

  5. I need to think of a virtual B-day present for you next month! LOL

  6. What are yur coments about that?

  7. I feel less spammish lately! I think I feel a change. Anyway, I'm sure quite a few people (especialy at my age) did a few spams when they were still rather new. The main reason I joined anyway was to learn how to mod KOTOR and TSL.

  8. you wanna join my mod team?

  9. where's that in England?

  10. HK-47 was undoubtadly funnier than Jarjar Binks!

  11. TY so much for your advise! You actually sent me 2 duplicate posts! LOL

  12. Just to see what people have to say about it. I personaly like the show.

  13. I may need you to moddel some weapons.

  14. I hope your sister feels better. Does she do keemo? (I think thats how you spell it) Sometimes in situations like this, all you can do is pray to God.

  15. can u edit or create new modules? I can't do that alone.

  16. what kind of work are you interested in doing for my mod?


  18. ahoy! Do you wanna join my star trek rp?

  19. didn't Macheveli write The Prince? I own that book.

  20. what kind of work are you doing? I know you want nothing to do with my TC mod, but can you give me some tips on how to make one BESIDES than I should sstart on something smaller?

  21. can I join Galaar modders?

  22. You know I joined the archiology group?

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