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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Wanna join my Star Trek RP?

  2. Hay. Can you plz email me your phone number? I may wanna talk with ya in person.

  3. Wanna join my Star Trek RP?

  4. wanna join my Star Trek RP?

  5. I don't mean to be a bother or anything, but can I make a thread called Moderators: The good the bad and the ugly? Niw I won't give names due to I don't want to get banned, but It will be about how I think a moderator should act on these forums and about that some abuse their power.

  6. Welcome to Lucas Forums bud! I'm Te Darasuum Mand'alor, another forum dude and I'll be your first friend!

  7. ok, next chapter is posted, are you interested in joining Star Trek Final Frontier RP though?

  8. Haven't seen you in a while on these forums mate. Can you plz friend me?

  9. I love your avatar! Darth JArjar!

  10. so we wan't back do we? Well, I'll let you join. You have to contribute though.

  11. ohh cool. Where in MD? Maybe we can meet sometime! LOL

  12. Tomorow we will get 12-24 inches in Virginia, just like in December.

  13. did ya get your name changed

  14. I don't like that one as much. She looks cuter with her ponytails which I think we should keep. The only difference should be maybe dimples and some gray streaks in her hair.

  15. Did you pick up a copy of the Destroyer KOTOR issue yet?

  16. Can you do Kala transitions next? Then begin work on Zayne Carrick and 32 year old Bastila.

  17. Don't know if your a CW fan, but my avatar is the Mandalorian lesder of Deathwatch. There you can see him contacting Lord Tyranus.

  18. Next RP chapter for Malak is out Spitfire.

  19. The ban was only for a week.

  20. Thats good, I'll need a scripter!

  21. are you willing to help on my new TC?

  22. A better name for him is Te Lev'i Mandalor!

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