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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Can I kill off the Corsair character as Malak? He is plotting against him!

  2. I can do a pretty good HK impression!

  3. Since I could be possibly be playing one of the droids, you could make your modcast about that and I could guest star if you want. That other girl did. How old was she?

  4. why was Jerkata Mandalore banned?

  5. I didn't know it was your Bday! Happy birthday Lord of Hunger! Hope you had a fun day!



  6. Can I be on your next modcast? I would like to audition for HK-47 or the other droid. Is there another human or something character open?

  7. Who are the characters so I can get a sense of who or what I'd be VOing?

  8. Can I be a voice actor in ROR?

  9. whats with DI's dumb story? He is making fun of I, Avenian! Your a way better writer than him. Great work! Oh yeah, know when the next chapter will be out?

  10. Are you a modder? Wanna help me do a TC mod?

  11. I saw your tutorial, it was really helpful. Wanna help me with my TC mod?

  12. srry if I accidentily did duplicate threads, only one is without the poll. I didn't know how to make a poll until I saw the poll thing at the bottom.

  13. What homeschool curiculim do you use?

  14. Do you like modding?

  15. You like art? Do you like sketching? We need an artist for my mod team. I'm making a TC mod and we need someone to design locations. Think about it.....

  16. Thanks Logan, and good luck with ROR!

  17. When making a TC, whats the first step?

  18. Hey link, I'm so sorry. I don't hate u! No hard feelings?

  19. Ahhh, thats not my email, mine is *snip* (for your own protection)

  20. I don't know, It was something I've been meaning to make and send to lucasfilm. Not that they'll use it or anything.

  21. good idea. I need to control my temper. Take a deep breath, uhmm! Uhmm! There, thats better

  22. And ohh, yeah, the idiot who changed it's name was Lynk Former.

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