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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Don't email me please, my computer is messed up and won't work until my dad can fix it (I email from my mom's acount until I can get a new email!). Just PM me given the fact i'm using a different PC.



  2. Lets do some more Crusade of a Dark Lord!

  3. Are you top dog here at LF? Just curious.

  4. You could help with the character side quests. Have any ideas?

  5. Any luck on Kala so far? She is pretty good so far! Sorry if you are being pressured to much (I tend to do that) just tell me when you feel too overwellemed and you can take a break.

  6. Did I send you old Carth yet? Hows he coming around?

  7. What r ur modding talents? I may need your help in my TC.

  8. I thought it was today! Makes me feel a whol'ot better!

  9. did you get my email, started on the launcher yet?

  10. Srry it took me so long to change my avatar. Its been changed from Darth Yoda for about a week now (srry Dawg).

  11. Hey dawg! Wanna see the sweet concept art for our mod (The Jedi Knights)? I'll email it to you. It was made by our very own Dax Drexl!

  12. I fixed it, and sent the email as a heads up!

  13. Kind of a weird question, but how many times have you ever played KOTOR? Do you stick to cannon and play as a male or (since your a girl) do you play as a lady?

  14. Otay! Just a sec, somethings wrong with my comp's internet. A Trojan horse or something! It says LF isn't a safe site. I'll run a system backup and then a restore and see if that helps!

  15. wanna make my launcher? I'll send the concept art to you.

  16. Hope he didn't quit for good! I could have used him on my mod!

  17. Hey, know what happened to Seth Clearwater? He hasn't been on since Christmas Eve!

  18. send me the prototype and I'll check it out so far. She is supposed to look hot, reme,ber?

  19. hey DAK! How was the SAT? Any luck on Kala Ordo yet?

  20. ok, good night, and happy skinning!

  21. Ok,a clean copy has been placed in the Fanfic center.

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