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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. can I join the VIP update list

  2. Since I'm a close friend (in mod standerds that is) can you please give me a little bit of confidential info regarding your mod? I promise not to reveal it to anybody. If you do, I'll send you my rockin launcher and main menu along with character concepts.

  3. Is Yoda smokin' pot in your avatar?

  4. Do you have KOTOR tool? Thats all you need to do the modules I think.

  5. I may not be able to have it to you by Monday, can you please maybe wait till' later in the week? My computer with the what I'm gonna say has a virus and It may take up to a week to get it fixed! If thats a problem, I'll try to write another one.

  6. Ok, thanks for the input! I'll try never to get another infraction again.

  7. The mod is for TSL, I suggest you perchess a new one or have somebody else test it until you can get it replaced, or clean off the scratches (if thats the case) with one of those cleaner devises.

  8. have you ever gotten an infraction when you were a noob? What I mean is, I've gotton one infraction for noobie eagerness and spamming, when I am a bit older (say in 7 to ten years from now) could I become a moderator as long as I contininue to follow the rules?

  9. The scripting and modules would be great!

  10. Whats modderator control pannel? And, just a question, how do you become a moderator?

  11. wanna join Crusade of a Sith Lord by Lord Spitfire?

  12. Yes, I'm making the modules and stuff, JM and Seth Clearwater and JESUSISGONNAOWNSATIN and Dak Drexl and some others are helping. Jai'gala Bralor is making a launcher. What are your skills?

  13. Ha, I looked back on that old season 3 LEAKED Clone Wars thng I made a while back and just laughed! Its kinda stupid readng it then seeing all of the coments at the bottom! I can be an idiot some times! (Heck, everybody can!) That would make an idotic clone wars season! Don't you agree?

  14. Love your Kala! Can you please make her face look a bit prettier?

  15. you a modder? Wanna help with my TC?

  16. Te Jek'erta Mand'lor got banned a while back by Darth333. Just curious so I don't make that mistake (I already recieved two infractions)

  17. can I see the launcher so far? My email is down, so can you pease pm me?

  18. hows Revenge of Revan goin' man? When will it be done?

  19. why did jek'erta madalore get baned?

  20. Wanna Help with my TC?

  21. Your Rp is fun man! When should I add Malak's betrayal?

  22. Your an AOE fan? Sweet. Ya know Jen hale played Elizabeth Ramsey?

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