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.:Lord Revan:.

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Everything posted by .:Lord Revan:.

  1. Welcome to the forum. :D

  2. That is a sweet avie lol

  3. Aaaah nice avie. :) is that a new album?

  4. Hey congratulations on the badge. :)

  5. True then how about...a venom or carnage :)

  6. Hey you should do a kotor drawing in the cartoons thread. :)

  7. That is okay though I had an accident and it was my cousin's fault so he left me his xbox :D

  8. Hey on the revenge of revan thread you past a thousand posts awsome :D

  9. Ya but it won't turn on at all for the past 5 days it hasn't turned on.

  10. I know that game is fun I only playd it for about a 30 mins. and then my computer shut down and won't turn on. :(

  11. Hey can I join TLO (K1 mod) social group?

  12. Welcome to the forum.

  13. Aaaah.....nice avie. :D

  14. It has been going pretty good I tired from a month long camp. :)

  15. Oooooooh now that is pretty.

  16. I just got hte transformers game and it is fun but my computer is acting up and can't play right now.

  17. Like the new avie though.

  18. No not really something you have just finished or something like that.

  19. Anything new that I haven't heard about.

  20. How are the mods comeing

  21. It was good alot of dumb things but overall I say I probably could be convinced to go back.

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