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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. Happy Turkey Day!

  2. Thanks for recommending me the RP Badge. I'm honored. :) I'll be sure to return the favor in a few months.

  3. Ehhhh, I guess. If I'm not satisfied with my VO's I'll just let you know.

  4. Welcome back man! It's good to see you again.

  5. I understand. RL occupies me a LOT.

  6. Happy Turkey Day!

  7. LDR

    Happy Easter, and congrats on the badge! You've earned it. :)

  8. Start posting in the RP more, you lazy bum! :p It's getting boring with just MsFic and I. You should also post something in the Darkness Within. It appears to have gotten buried.

  9. Happy Turkey Day!

  10. Happy Easter, and congrats on the badge! You deserve it. :)

  11. LDR

    Happy Turkey Day!

  12. "I'm amazed you can avoid tripping over your own ego."


    Now THAT was a good one. :lol:


    Hey, are you ever going to pop back on Hss? Canderis, bead-v, and I just revived it a few days ago.

  13. Alright. I sent you a message on Facebook so that it'd be 10x easier to talk about it.

  14. Happy Turkey Day!

  15. Happy Turkey Day!

  16. Meh. Also, I don't mean to open old wounds, but where's the red mandalorian armor you promised?

  17. Happy Turkey Day!

  18. Happy Turkey Day!

  19. No, I don't believe so.

  20. Happy Turkey Day!

  21. Happy Easter! :)

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