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LF's first member by join date.

Sam Fisher

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People, use your heads. ARPANET, what the original internet was called (and was only really used to communicate between gov't agencies and some university libraries) wasn't brought online until 1969.


AOL and some other ISPs first appeared as BBS's around 1985. And the internet wasn't really publicly available until 1992, when Delphi became the first ISP to offer commercial and private connections.


I think that some of the admin's and moderators here like to play jokes - they can change join dates to whatever they like.

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Originally posted by Eldritch

People, use your heads. ARPANET, what the original internet was called (and was only really used to communicate between gov't agencies and some university libraries) wasn't brought online until 1969.


AOL and some other ISPs first appeared as BBS's around 1985. And the internet wasn't really publicly available until 1992, when Delphi became the first ISP to offer commercial and private connections.


I think that some of the admin's and moderators here like to play jokes - they can change join dates to whatever they like.

they were being sarcastic come on. Besides back then it wasnt very pratical remember the punch card thingies??? My dad has some layin around.
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Originally posted by Swoosh

You assume too much. LucasForums: Founded December 30, 1969.


So, if you're telling the truth. Was it just an idea thought up by some guy on paper. And ummn who was the founder. If youre telling the truth. Which by the way i cant really tell. Was it like an e-mail fan club thingy. Im confused:p

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And another well guarded secret is that these forums are powered by Rhett's used pants.


Well, not so secret now.


*is whacked in the head by Niner and dragged into a back room where a pants-less Rhett stands*

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Originally posted by Jed

And another well guarded secret is that these forums are powered by Rhett's used pants.


Well, not so secret now.


*is whacked in the head by Niner and dragged into a back room where a pants-less Rhett stands*




All of those pictures just flashed into my mind.... :indif:

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