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My Resignation


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I'd like to let you all know that I'm quitting the PA. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I've finally decided to go through with it. I don't feel like I belong here, and I don't think the PA is the place for me to be.


I don't want to get into the details too much, because that will probably turn into arguments, and that's not what we all need right now. I will say this though; when I heard about this PA, I thought it would be just the thing for me. I imagined a neutral PA with no goals, full of characters of all species, professions and backgrounds, all supporting each other and helping each other succeed ingame. This sounded perfect to me. Lately though, I feel like I'm supporting the PA and they're not really supporting me (some of you probably know what I'm talking about). Like I said though, I've been thinking about this for a while, so don't think it was just one thing that made me decide this.


Now, this doesn't mean I'm leaving. I'm still going to come to the board, and I'm still going to play the game like a madman. I'd like to be counted as an ally of the PA, even though one man can't really do anything. I'll still give everybody with the <-A-> tag a 500 cred slice =), and no, I'm not working on the Rebel HQ anymore. If trading faction comes out and you all decide you still want it, I will be more than happy to buy it for you. I would like to still live in the PA town if that's ok.


Oh, and please don't forget, I'm still a Mercenary :D.


Anyway, that's that. You all know how to reach me ingame. I'm going to go about finishing off Pistoleer, getting my few skills in TKA, then I'll just relax till I can buy my spacecraft. I'll probably buy furniture with my faction points, and then go neutral again (did I mention I hate both factions =P?) I'd love to still go on PA hunts with you guys, so please don't forget about me =).


Go Rebels, Go Imperials, and May the Force be with anybody who needs it :D

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Originally posted by MasterJo

i think part of it was because of our faction..my suggestion...go nuetral..or get out.it seems to be what is breakin us apart the most atm


Faction is a perk in the game available to every single player. Whats breaking us apart is everyone doing their own thing and not having a single goal to work toward.


A PA with no goals = a bunch of individuals with individual goals.

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Actually, it's lack of content that has been killing PAs left and right. Only the hardcore PvPers and hardcore RPers seem to be staying with it. Everyone else, especially the powergamers, seem to be growing tired of the game. Look around, PAs are closing up shop everywhere. I've seen a drastic reduction in the activity of my members, and this is why. Hopefully the developers will fix it first, of course, along with balancing, bugs, exploits and profession fixing, they don't have much time for content.



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Originally posted by Murashu

There is a lack of high end content in game but as far as I know not a single person in our PA has completed 1 of the 3 major themeparks. So as far as our PA is concerned there is still content to be explored but no one wants to team up to explore it.


Unfortunately, organizations like mine, are full of Masters of every profession.


Theme Parks: Done


All Dungeons: Done


All Planets: Done


PvE and PvP battlefields: Done


What's left? RP and PvP.


Oooh, don't forget, we still have to get ourselves a Jedi.

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Originally posted by Murashu

There is a lack of high end content in game but as far as I know not a single person in our PA has completed 1 of the 3 major themeparks.


I finished Jabba's Palace a month...maybe month and a half ago. I never talked about it though because I wasn't really that impressed. Sure it was cool to stand next to Boba...but I can't bs with him =).


Don't go Grask! ... Just stay with us, and give up with the Rebel HQ like you planned..


Grask's problem was never the Rebel HQ in the first place... it is just an example. Whether it would have been anything else, and the circumstances the same, Grask would be leaving us now anyway.


Arina...Sunshine is right, I probably would have left sooner or later. I've made my decision now and it's final, I'm not going to come back. Like I said though, I'm still playing the game. If you want to hang out or go hunting, just give me a /tell.

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ummmmm........i dont understand.......you are quitting the PA....yet you want to live near the PA and hunt with the PA...and give the PA members discounts.......ect.........Isnt this what you were doing befor you "Left" the PA......i just dont see the point.....Maby you dont like where things are going yet you still want to do things that make it seem like you still care...........or maby it is just that you relly dont want to care about anybody but your self..........thats not a bad thing though...........i am not a big fan of doing things i dont want to do...and i know you never relly wanted the HQ......its just everyone wanted it but never did anything about it.....except for you............i relly belive you should reconsider.........but maby after you get bored and you want to go to PA meetings and stuff you might think about rejoining....but until then i salute you comrad and hope to see you in game........

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Originally posted by Kaiser Isaac

ummmmm........i dont understand.......you are quitting the PA....yet you want to live near the PA and hunt with the PA...and give the PA members discounts


Is there a problem with being friends with someone who's PA I'm not in? If there is, my mistake, I'll make sure to pack my **** up right away. When you quit a job, does that automatically mean that you're no longer friends with your ex-coworkers? Oh, and if you don't want the 500 cred slice, that's fine with me. I'll just charge you 1500-3500 cred like everybody else.

Isnt this what you were doing befor you "Left" the PA

Maybe that's saying something. A group of friends acquaintances that sometimes talk to each other, sometimes hang out and sometimes help each other. That's not a PA, that's my regular customers, the ones that aren't on my friends list because the only thing they mean to me is more cred in my pocket.

Maby you dont like where things are going yet you still want to do things that make it seem like you still care...........or maby it is just that you relly dont want to care about anybody but your self

You know what, you're right. That's why I tried to keep McWookies running, and lent money to anybody who asked for it, and paid my ****ing taxes every week. It's all because I don't care about anybody but myself.

but maby after you get bored and you want to go to PA meetings and stuff you might think about rejoining

There's nothing to get bored with, because as you said before, I'm going to be doing the same things I did before I "Left" PA.


Sorry for my outburst everybody :o. I know it was a little harsh, but I have strong opinions on the subject, and I feel like Isaac was basically calling me out. If you weren't Isaac, well, now you know how I feel, word your posts better.


Oh, and please don't let this turn into a closed thread.

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Lol... You actually quoted me up there Grask, not Arina. Anyways, I didn't want you leaving because...


1. You're a good asset to the Guild

2. You're a good friend

3. If you leave someone else might follow, and a domino effect could ensue.


And number 3 did happen... Suriso left because you did... Makes no sense, but it's their choice. Oh well, as long as you keep in touch, I won't mind as much. :)


BTW, Reaper/Neoc, please don't post in the Affiliates area anymore... We both know that it will eventually lead to someone bashing you, or you bashing someone, and it will ruin the thread. :(

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Well, Suriso is my friend IRL. The reason he left was because even though he knows some of you, he didn't want to be in a PA with a bunch of "strangers".


And I hate to disagree with you X'ero, but I think Neoc should be able to post here for the same reason I still can. He's still friends with people in here, and this PA was a big part of his life. Sure people don't like him, but that's no reason to bitch him out; keep it friendly. I'm a PC tech, I put up with people I can't stand all the time :p. If anybody bashes you Reaps, just ignore it, and they'll look like the @$$.


Less is more =)

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heh well then I geuss I'm a bit too late and yes we didn't help so...

I bid you my farwell Grask and yes you all can post just let's try not to argue and get at each others throats.:p


Well I bid you farewell friend heh I didn't know you much, but heh I only know a few pretty well...*shrugs*


*watches JackRabbit walk towards a white light and vanish.*

hope to see you on the fourm's again soon.:p

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I'd love to go hunting with you Grask, and maybe go search all over planets for new creatures or any secrets of the game.


Anyway I have had similar thoughts about the PA. I plan to be a rebel through and through but would really like at least keep my semi-friendship with the PA. I want to get my own Rebel HQ so I don't have to worry about so much crap surrounding it like the reb outpost has become.


Haven't quite decided I want to join the PA yet... but no matter what I hope we all stay friends... Speaking of which I'm in search for some harvestors and a factory if anyone can hook me up for a lower price give me an e-mail or a tell.



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Originally posted by Deft Aklin

Actually, it's lack of content that has been killing PAs left and right. Only the hardcore PvPers and hardcore RPers seem to be staying with it. Everyone else, especially the powergamers, seem to be growing tired of the game. Look around, PAs are closing up shop everywhere. I've seen a drastic reduction in the activity of my members, and this is why. Hopefully the developers will fix it first, of course, along with balancing, bugs, exploits and profession fixing, they don't have much time for content.




Sad but true, I couldn't agree more. :(

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OMG......grask man....i wasnt bashing......why did you quote all that stuff and you did it in a way that made me look bad.....i said maby you want to care about your self only.....because maby you needed some time to do your own thing...and i also said that it wasnt a bad thing but it looks like you forgot to quote that part......why dont you just ask befor you assume that i was bashing...i never did and hopefully never will have a problem with you....just chill man......and REAPER......why are you still saying my name in your posts man you know i dont like you.....it seems that you are trying to start somthing up again...and it seemks that you only reply to the posts that i reply to....just stop talking to me or about me......i dont like you havent you figured that out yet.......

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Well, like I said in the end, word your posts better. Basically what I read was this:


"Wait a minute, you're going to quit the PA, but still do all the PA stuff? Isn't that kind of stupid? I mean, maybe you just don't care about anybody but yourself, and you don't want to pretend you care about the others anymore. Whatever man, do what you want to do. You'll probably get bored anyway and want to come back. Well, take care"


As you can see, that doesn't sound very nice. Sorry I took it the wrong way.

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