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Would you say JA is worth the money?

Guardian Omega

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If you loved JK2 (and aren't too hung up on losing flip kicks in MP) then you'll love JA, guarenteed.


And the game will just get better once the mapping tools are released!


Half Life 2, Doom3 and all those other overhyped games won't be coming out for awhile anyway, so this will tide you over till then.

; )

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Although I don't think it's all that different from JK2 and the SP was pretty damn easy I still think it's an entertaining game. However, it's going to be up to the mods that'll make this game worth the money. It's pretty disappointing when you have to depend on the mods for your money's worth....I think it should've been an expansion pack.


I'd give it 7.5/10

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If you plan on playing jk3 for the single player, its a great game but as stated, a little short.


As far as multiplayer goes, jk3 might be worth it if you are into FFA, CTF, or Siege.


However, if you were a skilled dueler in jk2, jk3 will drive you nuts and you will want to burn the game. By a "skilled dueler" I mean you could compete with duel clans like SDF, AIM, DD, BSoV, and Masters to name a few.


A side note: If you thought you were a good dueler and never played anyone from these clans, no offense, but YOU PROBABLY SUCKED!


The reason good jk2 duelers hate jk3 is because it takes little or no skill to win. Basically any noob and beat a skilled JO player in jk3 with a special move or random lucky swing. This was a rare occurence in jk2, if anyone tried a special on me in jk2 they were as good as dead and there were rarely any lucky swings and no lucky swings that could kill you in one hit. A verteran jk2 player can do well in jk3, but doing so only requires a simple sweep move which takes the fun and stragegy out of the game, not to mention getting screwed every now and then by a special or lucky hit. If you think jk3 takes skill to win, then you obviously were not very good in jk2.


From what I've seen and heard, all of the good jk2 duelers are greatly dissapointed in jk3. My clan is even considering, and probably will, get rid of our jk3 server and go back to jk2. I imagine quite a few will follow in our path or move on to other games entirley.


However, if you didn't duel much in jk2, you probably wont know the differece between the two, and if thats the case, you actually might enjoy it. I'm sure the CTF, FFA, and Siege are all pretty fun, but those game types take less skill with a light saber.

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He's right about the clans he threw out, BSOV, DD, AIM and SDF were the big dogs in the NF duel game.


He's also right about the best NF players hating the saber system.


I'm really glad some non full force hard core players are speaking up about their issues as well.


We told you guys it was not just us "kick whores" that had issues in the competitive community.

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Well since HL2 has been delayed to the Holiday Season, that makes me want to cancel my preorder and buy JA, but I heard horror about the balance, skill required, and the competition........


Well, as long as you're not an obsessed competitive gamer, you should enjoy JA. And with the increased editing support, there should be some great levels and stuff. (It shouldn't be too long before we see a level which uses the X-wings, TIE fighters, ect.) :)

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Originally posted by mariners2001

Although I don't think it's all that different from JK2 and the SP was pretty damn easy I still think it's an entertaining game. However, it's going to be up to the mods that'll make this game worth the money. It's pretty disappointing when you have to depend on the mods for your money's worth....I think it should've been an expansion pack.


I'd give it 7.5/10




I agree 100%

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A side note: If you thought you were a good dueler and never played anyone from these clans, no offense, but YOU PROBABLY SUCKED!


If you think jk3 takes skill to win, then you obviously were not very good in jk2.


I'm sure the CTF, FFA, and Siege are all pretty fun, but those game types take less skill with a light saber.


All I can say is... ROTFL!


The game has been out two weeks and you're already saying JA takes no skill to play (let me guess, because being elite at JK2 doesn't instantly make you elite at JA as well)? You just said the duels took no skill, and you say the other game modes take less skill... so aren't you saying the game takes no skill period? Maybe your clan should go back to JK2. rolleyes.gif


You're welcome to your view, I just think it's a little bit ridiculous. Sorry to get off topic...


Unnamed's comments are more informative. It seems that these so-called experts are all niche communities anyway. Sabers Only CTF, No Force Duels... those are still only scratching the surface of what the games offer. And with the tens or hundreds of thousands of players, it is not inconcievable that a clan that was at the top of their proverbial class could go unnoticed.


Don't get me wrong, you can pick any area you like and be the best at it, but the JK series has always been about variety. If you hate sabers, you can still enjoy JA (I'm speaking of Multiplayer here). If you love guns, but hate force, there's a gametype for you as well, etc. I generally like to play all game modes, so it's a great game for me. I was sad when Jedi Master, and the other modes were removed (though to be honest I rarely played CTY). ; )

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Towards the end of JO I was a pretty good nf dueler(mainly because there wasn't many good players left).


The first few days of JA I win some 100 kill limit ff ffa matches and have a few straight wins in some duel games.

After a few more wins I notice that I can kill mostly anybody on these servers with out a problem.


I thought it took no skill to win for awhile too.

later I realized everybody I played against were just very new (nice way of saying they sucked)



So I went to the HP server and met with some good jk2/JA players....and they kicked my ass.


crappy story..eh?



so I would say it is worth the money.

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Kurgan those clans were the big cheese in the world of NF dueling.


No joke dude, and if you have seen any of them in JA it's the same story, they tear it up big time.


I was never a big NF player but when I see people just own it up on a level like they do, I give them the respect they deserve.


But anyways, I'm going to put all my gripes aside and just look at NF sabers for a second.



Single saber style = same as JO to the letter.


Other than a Kata/roll stab being added, nothing has changed.


Well, the DFA now has the key presses at the same time as opposed to timing it, but it's the same move and key combo.


Oh yeah, the yellow dfa does not have to be "on target" (crosshair) and it locks the yaw spin now.





Ok, primary has new swings but the secondary mode is JO medium stance to the letter.



Dual sabers


Same deal, secondary mode is JO light stance to the letter.


Not a whole hell of a lot of new stuff to learn amigo when you really take a look at it.


Not to mention the Kata/specials are done with universal key combos, so there is even less to memorize.



The thing you have to keep in mind as well is those of us who stick with one specific game type and play no others, tend to learn new moves/combos much faster than the guy who is playing many different game types.



I only really play teamffa and duel.


I only study the force powers and saber.


I only study duel maps and the maps the leagues use for teamffa.


I could not even name all of the guns in Outcast, let alone if I were to play on a server where guns are enabled even have a clue as to where in the map to go for specific guns/ammo spawns.


And don't even ask me to try and find my way from one base to the other in CTF, I'll get lost.



But since we only focus on the things we play, we find out things at a very fast rate.


I found a half dozen map exploits (no clipping exploits and getting behind/inside of "off limits" areas) on the duel maps in the first 20 minutes I played the game.


And it was all because I was looking for specific exploits that could be used in the 1v1 type of play.


Same goes for the CTF vets. They had the game 10 minutes and they had a ton of map bugs found because when you have this “hmm let me see if this will work” mentality about a specific game type, it does not matter if the company puts out a new patch every week, we will find what we are looking for (or find out if it’s not there) very, very fast.



/on topic


Is it worth it?


Yes if you are a star wars fan first and a hard core gamer second.


This game has a major "for the casual fan" feel to it.


I'm not saying that is bad, but this could have been achieved without driving away the people who only play this game for unique game play itself, and could care less about the star wars stuff.

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Well since HL2 has been delayed to the Holiday Season, that makes me want to cancel my preorder and buy JA, but I heard horror about the balance, skill required, and the competition........



Sounds like JA has leveled the playing field a lot, and that many of the folks who became practiced, skilled duellists in JO or something earlier aren't too happy about it.


So that's one consideration for buying it now: Everybody's starting out from the same level. Every day, they're getting better and you're not.


I am but a lowly single-player, but I'd say that force powers are much more useful in the new game. The constant griping and moaning about the saber combat on the forums makes me wonder if people have integrated force power into their fighting style as fully as the designers obviously intended, since it never gets mentioned in these saber discussions.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

All I can say is... ROTFL!


The game has been out two weeks and you're already saying JA takes no skill to play (let me guess, because being elite at JK2 doesn't instantly make you elite at JA as well)? You just said the duels took no skill, and you say the other game modes take less skill... so aren't you saying the game takes no skill period? Maybe your clan should go back to JK2.


I said other game types require LESS SKILL WITH A LIGHT SABER. How good you are at no force dueling is completely dependent on how well you can weild a saber. Other game types require less skill w/ a sab and more skill with the force or guns. This doesn't mean that guys who play other game types suck (they probably just suck at barebones 1vs1 saber combat :p ) Perhaps I should have said NO FORCE dueling more often. But I'm serious when I say that if you think it takes a lot of skill to win a duel in jk3, then you really wern't a good dueler in jk2.


As far as you people who say that jk3 has leveled the playing field, well your wrong. Experienced jk2 duelers can still own noobs, but its so increadibly easy with the duel/staff sabers its boring to us. But if you have two equally experienced duelest, one with a standard saber and one with a staff or duel, the staff/duel saber weilder will always win (the sabers are that unbalanced). But on top of that, when both of them have a duel, or both have staff, they swing and swing and swing until one gets lucky and lands a hit, but not due to any specific move. The jk3 combat system is just too random, too unpredictable, which just isnt fun. This being the case, I can beat another experienced dueler it really doesn't mean anything.


Most people don't know why the jk2 saber system worked the way it did, and why certain moves work so well, but I DO! The makers of jk3 used basically the same ideas they did in jk2, all the sabers might have appeared balanced to the unexpereinced player, but they failed to envision what would happen if experienced jk2 tactics were employed. I've already explored and looked at how the jk3 saber combat system works and I don't like it, I don't need to play the game that long to figure it out. The game is extremely unbalanced.


Frick I'm tired, I hope all that crap made some sense.

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Yes. I love it ! I loved DF, JKI and MoTS. I am a SW/EU fan as well as a gaming fan. I am into the storyline (SP) more than anything and see MP as an interesting diversion at best. I love being involved in a Star Wars adventure, as well as having a great time gaming. As for JA, the new sabers, custom characters(my Jaden will always be a grey twilek girl !!!), and SW creatures and vehicles made it a must buy for me... I was not disapointed at all.


Sure it is different to JK2 in some ways, and overall I found it a bit easier than JK2,(in terms of less puzzles and the like), but hey - you can import JO SP maps to JA and have a go with your saberstaff ! How about that for a replayability ! Dont forget the great maps and mods that await us !



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Originally posted by SpDTheadkeFor

The reason good jk2 duelers hate jk3 is because it takes little or no skill to win. Basically any noob and beat a skilled JO player in jk3 with a special move or random lucky swing.

Of course, JA has differences from JO. If JA really didn't require skill then complete rookies would be doing just as well as the best players around everywhere. This of course isn't the case? On any duel server there are going to be guys with a lot more wins and guys with losing records. If it really took no skill, everyone should have more or less the same record, because everything is completely random, and nothing you do would lead to long term success.


JO started out in the same way as JA. Many people complained that the saber combat took no skill. Before long better players learned better strategies, and they began to win more. I am starting to see this in JA as well. Each special move has counters, and some players are starting to tear people apart that spam katas and roll stabs. Give the game a little time and the good players will seperate from the pack.

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Well it's great for me, It only seems to be the victory obsessed - strapped-to-desk people who complain that it's not like JO or they've taken away their fav mov etc. etc.


As far as multiplayer goes, jk3 might be worth it if you are into FFA, CTF, or Siege.


However, if you were a skilled dueler in jk2, jk3 will drive you nuts and you will want to burn the game. By a "skilled dueler" I mean you could compete with duel clans like SDF, AIM, DD, BSoV, and Masters to name a few.


A side note: If you thought you were a good dueler and never played anyone from these clans, no offense, but YOU PROBABLY SUCKED!


The reason good jk2 duelers hate jk3 is because it takes little or no skill to win. Basically any noob and beat a skilled JO player in jk3 with a special move or random lucky swing. This was a rare occurence in jk2, if anyone tried a special on me in jk2 they were as good as dead and there were rarely any lucky swings and no lucky swings that could kill you in one hit. A verteran jk2 player can do well in jk3, but doing so only requires a simple sweep move which takes the fun and stragegy out of the game, not to mention getting screwed every now and then by a special or lucky hit. If you think jk3 takes skill to win, then you obviously were not very good in jk2.

I was gonna reply to that but it aint worth my time :p

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