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Married Woman!


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so. many. wonderful. things.




and you've missed them ALL!!!!




the best thing is .. someone disabled the search button.


i have no clue why and if someone else noticed that...



i guess we have a lot of stalkers here around :p




anyway.. welcome back and congrats to your new game!! ;)

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Congrats on your wedding. I myself am in the plans of a wedding right now. We still have a year before our date, but we are jumping on an early start. Kim just cant wait, and I love to see her do her thing.


Anyway, I know you must be tired after all the wedding stuff, I am and we have just begun so I can only imagine how worn out you must have been just before the big day.


And of course...WELCOME BACK.

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

I'm already halfway drunk and naked and I've started to party. Why isn't everybody else doing this? Just grab some booze, get naked, and party!!!!!


Because you are there, you are naked, and that is just not something meant to be seen by the naked eye. No pun intended.


*runs out of the room screaming*

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*sounds of electric drill*


I'm fine now....


Rhett looks over

-Good god man! You have a hole in your head!!


I'm fine now....




Congrats, STTCT, lest I forget the real reason for this thread.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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That was not the graphical image i needed to think of in my wedding thread...j/k



Well the photographer hasn't sent me the wedding cd yet and I obviously was too busy to take pictures myself. I have some of the Honeymoon....well the pictures of Jetskiing I got a digital throwaway and it won't be done till Thursday Morning. So...perhaps I will have something for you guys on Thursday.


As for JA. I'd love to play with you guys but I really suck. I'm playing the missions and well...I suck to say the least. I've only ever played the demo of JK2....


so to say the least this lightsaber stuff is all new to me


all I can do is a kata! or something like that...

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Originally posted by STTCT

As for JA. I'd love to play with you guys but I really suck. I'm playing the missions and well...I suck to say the least. I've only ever played the demo of JK2....


so to say the least this lightsaber stuff is all new to me


all I can do is a kata! or something like that...


Don't feel bad. I am much worse. I'm the kind of guy that runs from paper targets, get's beaten by bots, and opens his saber up, wrong end up (or down, depending on how you look at it.) I just like to play, it's good clean fun! :D

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Originally posted by STTCT

As for JA. I'd love to play with you guys but I really suck. I'm playing the missions and well...I suck to say the least. I've only ever played the demo of JK2....


so to say the least this lightsaber stuff is all new to me


all I can do is a kata! or something like that...


Can't be too worse than me... and I don't really play many FPS/TPS. I mainly play RTSs, but JA is pretty fun.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Can't be too worse than me... and I don't really play many FPS/TPS. I mainly play RTSs, but JA is pretty fun.


RTSs are the SHIZNIT! Maybe I like them better because I don't get my ass beat as much, and it's alot either to make a comeback.


JA IS fun though! :D

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